Just had my mw here for booking in appointment


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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She is really lovely, I really liked her, she answered all the questions and we had a little bit of banter as well, a cuppa tea and some biscuits.

She took bloods, urine sample, gave me bounty pack, information etc, everything was fine until she checked my BP. It was high. She re-checked it 2 more times, it was still high. I did have headaches in the last couple of days and funny circles in my vision but thought it was normal.

She phoned my surgery straight away and booked me in to see a GP, she was so annoyed with my surgery for being useless, it was actually quite funny.:)

So I am at home now, waiting for 4:20 pm to go to my GP. She is also sending me to the cardiac team in the hospital as I was diagnosed with tachyocardy(sp?) before.

The work is not going to be happy but hey ho, my health is more important.
Fantastic hon sounds like you have a really lovely midwife, at least now you have someone you can contact direct rather than going through your sugery! Hope it all goes okay at your appointment this arvo at least if your blood pressure is high you should get some extra-special care :) x x
Went to see a GP this afternoon and I was never that close to killing anyone, thankfully my OH was there. Pretty much I came in and she says to me straight away- I dont think there is anything wrong with you. Great start.

Then she says - lets measure your BP. Ok, we are getting closer. Then she asks if anyone in my family had a history of hypertension, I say yes, my mum does. She measures BP on my left arm, its fine, then she measures right arm (the mw measure right arm) and hey ho, its raised.
The GP then tells me I have fast heart beat, well, yes, I am tachycardiac, same as my mum again.

So I have to completely cut out caffeine now and will go to measure BP again next week, plus I am going to see a cardiac team at the hospital mid-March.

Hopefully they wont find that anything is wrong, but mw was so nice, I didn't expect so much special care, I thought I would be just waived away like GPs do sometimes.

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