just had booking appt


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Midwife lovely she went thru loads and now have a massive folder of things to read and have my maternity notes he he it all feels real now!!
I had glucose in my wee, and she said she will test it again at 16 weeks and then possible screening for gesatational diabetes! My mum had it both times too :-(
Gonna get dating scan date in post within a week. :)
I just wish I could see inside and know babba was ok!
I had glucose in one of my last blood tests, but the the next one was clear.

This time round I have decided to stear clear of sweets just in case. boohoo!
yeah! so glad it went well! The pack of reading is huge isn't it!!
wont be long till you see your baby!!

What did she say about the nuchal scan (i think they call it Oscar here in Bris dont they?) Did she say you would get one on NHS?
so you don't get the nuchal scan because of your age?? how old do you have to be to get it??

glad ur appt went well :)

I don't know she just said I'd be classed as low risk so would have to go private.
i've never heard of that!? i'm 28 which isn't young but i doubt i would be in a 'risk' group, how annoying for you having to pay for it!! xxx
Oh, I still have no idea if i get it. I'm older than you, so maybe i will. Fingers crossed, otherwise I'm definitely going private
I thought everyone was offered the nuchal scan? they are where i am anyway. Im 22 and i had it, it was an option for everyone regardles of their age.

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