Just got back from emergency trip to the hospital...

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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Had to go to the labour ward at lunch time cos I came over all funny in Comet and felt dizzy and faint then started to get really bad pains like period pains. Phoned the hospital and they said to go straight in and they listened to LO and his heart beat is fine and everything seems ok which is good. THey said that I am probably exhausted and have overdone it with the wedding and the house move so I need to take it easy. Got told off for mowing the lawn yesterday! :oops:
So Ive been shocked into submission and Im definitely going to take it easier from now on. The thought of anything happening to bubs was so terrifying that Im not going to take any risks again.
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Put your feet up and order your Hubby around, it works for me :lol:
:hug: Put your feet up and relax hun. I keep having dizzy spells and feeling faint it's horrible. My midwife has told me to take it easy and not to do too much but that's easier said than done.

Take care
:hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: Get some well deserved rest, sounds like you need it.
Sometimes it takes a fright like this to make you slow down and take it easy.

I had a fall almost 2 weeks ago and it was enough to give me a kick up the a** and I am now resting much more.

Just remember to keep your mind active and don't be like me and sit thinking and worrying about the labour. It really stressed me out and spent most of the day in tears. xx
get some rest hun
glad everything was ok with bubs tho :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Put your feet up, relax and enjoy being looked after.

Hope you have got over the shock and you are feeling better :hug:
how scary! glad your ok now

sit back and relax now :hug: :hug:
I am glad you are ok now, it must have been frightening!!
Enjoy putting your feet up :)
Phew, glad all was ok. Nature has a way of making you slow up if you're over doing it :hug:
Glad all's well.... It does sound like taking it easy would be a wise plan.

Take care of yourself.
Jen, you take care honey, glad everything is ok...and remember....thats what husbands are there for....TO BE OUR SLAVES!!!!! mwhaaaahhaaa :hug:
Put your feet up and enjoy the rest. Glad it wasn't anything serious :hug: :hug:
Thanks for your kind words everyone.

Feeling much better today after a half decent nights sllep - LO decided to hold party in my belly at 3am this morning but I didnt mind cos it was lovely to feel him.

Im currently relaxing on my sofa with my feet up and hubby is waiting on me hand and foot - I could get used to this! :D

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