Just finished the christening cake - Pics inside!


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
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Well Im proud and happy to say I have just finished orans Christening cake!! Its take about 6 hours but its worth it, Im very very pleased with the result, especially since its only my 2nd EVER cake and the first one was just plainly iced.

The bear has gone a bit sweaty, after I made it I put it in the fridge and just looked online and your not supposed to do that, its in a cool room now warming up so fingers crossed it sorts its self out, thats what the stick is in his back for the time being to stop him sinking till he dries out again!

think the Balls and the building blocks are what took up most of the time!!


Oh and excuse all the crap in the back ground, Ive left mum to clean it up bless her and she has left me come for a sit down!


Wow! That's amazing! I'm awful at normal sponge cakes! Lol
:clap: Well done it looks fantastic.
:shock: :shock: :shock: wow..how talanted are you :shock: :shock: :shock: thats bloody brilliant hun so neat as well good on you hun :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :hug: :hug: :hug:
ever thought of a career in cake decoration - that's amazing!!!
wow that's fantastic. I'd hire you if I lived nearer :)
wow thanks ladies, Im gladof all them comments I neednt worry people are going to think its cack tomorrow cause I made it now!

drea b said:
ever thought of a career in cake decoration - that's amazing!!!

funnily enough...........I have recently decided it was something id love to do, and after today, it was hard work but I enjoyed it so im going to look in to it - dont know if I would make enough funds though so maybe a side line!

watch this space!
Well done you. It looks fab. I paid £60 for my sons Christening cake and it was very similar to what you have just done. xxx
What a superb cake! Well done - it looks really professional
:D You really should look into doing that! That cake is brilliant! Its better than some of the "professional" ones Ive seen!

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