jus a quick hello

boo boo

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2005
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hey all, if u rember me. i aint been around in ages, have peeked in now and then to see how everyone is doin. Its nuts how fast everythin has gone, i cant believe it, it only felt like yesterday that i was moanin on her that it was goin to be foreva and we were countin down the days till our 20 week scan. Now ive only got 11 days left and it feels like its flown by. Its gettin quite borin now waitin around, ive been on maternity leave since christmas eve, and all i do is sleep or shop. Its stratin to get mundane now, and i jus wanna meet my little boy asap. And the back pain/fannyt pain (sorry if tmi). I hope ya all doin gud tho

bec and bump x x x
ohh by the way, how does or did everyone pass the tie at the end, cos there is only so much shoppin i can do. And i think the oh will go ad if i buy another bag. lol. God its borin towards the end.

bec x x x

Welcome back.
Im glad you rokay and hopefully your little man will join you soon.
All us Jan moms are just waiting i thnk weve all got some real stubborn ones i know mine is.
I get bored everyday i run out of things to do and then just laz around, and theres only so many times you can clean your house and watching tv drives me mad as tehre is nothing ever good on and ive around 60 movies and have watched them all over and over again.
So right now its just tryin to get things odne that i wont have time ofr after she arrives but most of the time i do nothing .
Good luck
Katrina :D
Enjoy it I wish I had chance to be bored I had my baby before my maternity leave officially started, I had a few days off before my baby was born and never got to do any of the things I had planned.

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