june baby anyone???


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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ok af finally arrived late last night lol am surprisingly feeling ok about it think most of my disappointment came with the bfn pg tests in last few days
anyway this month is going to be my month which means a nice summer baby :D (heres hoping anyway)
so anyone else fancy joining me for a june 2006 baby???
Hi Rach,

Sorry to hear that af arrived :twisted: I will definitely join you in your goal for a June baby, let's give it all we've got this month girl!!
Sorry to hear that Rach. xxxx

Next month! Definitely! I may be joining you, AF is not actually due till tomorrow, but I've decided not to test till Monday if it doesn't arrive. I was so so fed up on Thursday after BFN on First Response, but then felt great on Friday cause I didn't test.
I think it's amazing how we bounce back from disappointment, with more determination than ever!!!
Summer babies sound great! And that would mean def not back at work until 2007!!!
yeah i know what u mean tankett hun this month im not going to test at all just going to wait and see if af comes and if its late then i will test it really got to me last month. every other month its just been one day of disappointment when af comes but last month it was every time i tested, not going to put myself through it this month going to try and relax a bit more.
hope af stays away for u tankett hun xxxxxxx
Fingers crossed for you Tankett - have you had any early pg symptoms do you think? I have decided to try and relax a little bit this month, really stressed out in July and Aug wishing the weeks away till I could test. I am going to rely on my ovulation sticks before plenty of bd and then no early testing, even if it drives me mad with curiosity. Hope af stays away for you - keep us informed :)
well ive said no early testing this month and no stressing but here we go again :oops: just been on a pregnancy test site and ordered some tests ready and ive not even finished my af yet grrr here goes another long month of imaginary pregnancy symptoms and counting the days till i can test and make myself miserable stressed and put on half a stone when i comfort eat :roll:
good luck tankett for this month
and good luck everyone whos now trying for a june 2006 baby :D
Hi Rachel
Sorry AF came but hang in there & look forward it will happen. Thats what I'm trying to do. Fingers crossed for you next mth.
Lorrie :wink:
Hi Rach

Sorry your AF arrived. A June baby will be nice. You'll be able to take the rest of the year off work. I don't know when to test. If I test 15 days afetr Ovulation then i'll be due to test this Sat, but if i test when i'm ude AF (28 day cycle) then i'll be due to test a week today.... If I get a BFN this month then i'll join you in trying for a June baby. Which will be nice as my birthday is in June. I was born on my mums birthday so it would be really special if I had a daughter born on the same day....

Tankett have you tested today. Good luck. Sending you loads and loads of luck and baby dust *******************************************************************
awww good luck hayley hope you get your bfp this month everything crossed for u hun xxxxx
Well, AF arrived right on time on Sunday morning as predicted.

Not feeling too bad about it after all, thought I'd be gutted, but suprisingly I'm not. Just more determined for this month!

June baby, here we come!!!
awwww tankett hun am so sorry xxxxxxx
Hi tankett

It's good that you don't feel too down about AF arriving. I'm really sorry i thought this month would be so good for you! As you say next month - another try! A June baby would be nice. I'm born in June and it's a good month to be born in.... Right in the middle of the year!

I haven't had any symptoms at all. Don't think i would this early thou! Asked my mum last nite if she had any symptoms with me or my brother. She didn't have anything.. no morning sickness, no tiredness, nothing right through the 9 months. I'm hoping i take after my mum.... Anyway i'll let you know in a weeks when i test.

Good luck to anyone trying for a June baby.
Sorry that af paid you a visit Tankett - there's been a few bfp's this month, so hopefully it will be our turn next month hey. Hope you enjoyed spending some time with your daughter, won't be long before there's double trouble I'm sure. Stay positive, that's my goal for Sept :)
Would love to have a june baby but as I have only just had AF [4 weeks after m/c] not sure if I should be ttc yet.. [so why am I posting on ttc forum...hee hee!]

Good luck all you who are really trying this month.. I will think about it once this AF is over and if my body feels normal.. would love to think I could get preg so soon after such an ordeal and have a wonderful successful pregnancy... or maybe I am a dreamer... we will see....

sorry to hear about your MC Anna Marie - good luck when you start trying again. There is nothing wrong with being a dreamer - I think we all are at some time or another!
sorry bout your m/c anna marie hun think positive a lot of people concieve straight away after a m/c good luck ttc i hope all of us on here get a nice bfp for a june baby xxxxxxx
I'm a newbie to the forum. Just wanted to say how much of a comfort this forum is, it's reassuring to know that others are going through the same thought process and reactions as me. We're TTC and have been on and off through out the year for various reasons but now we're focussed on TTC. My AF came today, I'm not surprised but I am still disapointed. Do you all test each month regardless of whether your AF starts or not?
hya Bagpuss17 and welcome to the forum hope you find everyone as friendly as i have.
as for your question about testing i usually test a few days before af cos i cant wait that long to find out lol went through 4 tests last month grrr most people dont bother testing if they get af especially if its a normal af.
good luck with ttc xxxxxx
Just finished AF (evil cow!) I'm sorry to hear that she's visiting some of you as we speak. Am getting quite frustrated now and will definately join in with the rest of you on a quest for a JUNE BABY! So with a thunderstorm of baby dust for us all let's get cracking! I hope we all get a positive outcome!!! COME ON BFP!!! Lots of love and luck, Sam x

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