Hello Everyone! New to the forum and have been TTC since June. Just a little backround, I had a miscarriage in June and we have been BD'ing like crazy ever since!! Anyway...Last couple of months, I have been charting and seeing when my AF should arrive by using the ovulation calenders online. Well I am a straight 23 day cycler. And for the past few months it has been 23 days. Except....my LMP was 09/18/05 and AF still has not arrived!! I haven't tested yet as I am terrified that it will be a BFN. Every month I get all kinds of "pregnancy symptoms" and then it turns out to be AF. Well this past month, I haven't had any symptoms except sleeping more and having some type of insatiable appetite. Seemed a few of those days, nothing could please me. My AF was due 10/10/05, and she still has not shown her UGLY face! Wish me luck ladies, I will be testing 10/17/05.