
Sue Clare

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2012
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Does anyone have this for their LO? If so, what age is it suitable from?
Thanks xx
We have one for Harry and we used it from when he was able to hold his head up for long periods of time. He la always been really strong tho and was holding his head up on day 2! Think we used it from about 3/4 months xxx
We do. we didn't put her in it until she could hold her head up properly. She's 16 weeks now but we don't put her in it for long yet! Def worth the money tho!!
Ruby had one and she was in it from about 16 weeks as she could hold her head up really well xxx
I have just bought one and he is 16 weeks .. not tested it out yet tho but he can sit in his bumbo for a good 10 minutes
We got one at 4 months, he didn't start interacting with it properly though until he was about 6 months
We have one and it's fantastic. My lo absolutely loves it. We used it if I remember correctly from 3 months when she could fully support her head. Xx
We have one and Jules loves it! She first went in it about 3.5 months. Took her a few go's to 'get it' but now she's like a thing possessed in it! Loves all the extra bits around it too. Mothercare and kiddicare have them on offer for £76 at the mo, and if you needed anything else you get 15% off if you spend over £100. Defo worth the money and highly recommend the jumperoo! X x
Our jumperoo was an absolute godsend and worth every penny! Ethan used it from about 3.5 months. He's now stopped using it at 9 months as he was far more interested in crawling and walking with his push along walker xx
Ah... W loved his jumperoo. We got him it for his Xmas he was 5 months xx
Brill, think I might wait til M is 16 weeks.
His head is fairly stable but still wobbles slightly xx
Just make sure that on the lowest setting, his feet can touch the floor xx
Quick tip, if his feet can't quite touch the floor, pop a pillow or something underneath for a while! X x
Quick tip, if his feet can't quite touch the floor, pop a pillow or something underneath for a while! X x

Definitely this.

I got some of them foam hopscotch mats (also come in alphabet form) from Tesco (Boots, Mothercare, etc), and put them under as they're still quite solid to bounce on, but softer on his feet (and a bit higher, of course) than our wooden flooring.

The Tesco hopscotch one is quite good as it comes with two "quarter circle" shapes, so one of those with three squares makes the perfect shape under the jumperoo.

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