July mummies!! How r u!!

Hey! An update from me :wave:

Well, I've been finished work for 2 weeks now and there's no sign of me being bored yet! I said I was worried about this in my last post. I've got the baby clothes and bedding all :wash: and :iron: and have everything ready for my hospital bag. I was supposed to do this on Friday, but I'm definitely doing it today!
I've started cooking up meals and freezing them so we are covered for the first week or 2 after bubs arrives. We haven't got any family here to help so it's best to be prepared. So far I've done a chilli, sausage and lentil casserole and a country beef stew. I'm going to do some baking too - not sure whether this will be to freeze of if I'll keep it to my fat self though! :shhh:
Hope everyone is doing well! Sorry to hear about you and your OH Nadine :hugs:

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Not too bad, getting used to being off work :)

Finding it sooo hard to sleep at night though, always roasting and can never get comfy :(

Had alot of plug Thursday night and a bit more over the last couple of days.. been feeling really crampy and backs hurting :( really hoping he comes early cos I soooo don't want to wait until the 10 days over to be induced!

Sorry- had a little moan there :lol: how're you tinytoes?? xxx
Sounds like it could all kick off for you pretty soon Rachey , fingers crossed xx . Lucia your so organised ! I'm good only starting to get ready now though , spent last night washing all of babys clothes and blankets so thats one job done at least . Ordered rasperry leaf tea to start helping myself out and laveender and tea tree oil for healing afterwards( amazing stuff ) . I might get the hospital bag done this evening or monday while watching soaps lol . Really should have it ready but I'm lazy . (and also I'm a paranoid sod and have myself convinced that by getting ready something will go wrong) Off to get the buggy today I think , and a new cover for a old car seat .
Hey ladies hope your all ok :) I'm 37 weeks today yipee!! So a nice milestone for me :)
I keep having on and off nesting stages sometimes I'm really into cleaning and organising and other days ( like today) I can't be arsed!! Lol
Unfortunately the sciatica in my bum cheek is back!! Boo!! I do hope labour won't have that pain or il be begging for an epi! Lol
I chickened out of my waxing!! So got hair removal cream and razors to try and sort myself out! I'm such a wimp lol!
Apart from that and starting to waddle and getting exhausted only walking a short way all is good. Hosp bag is all done and everything is washed for baby so it's a waiting game now :) xx
Ello lovelies,

Well a week left for me (1week+1 but who's counting!!!)

As some of u no, I'm full of a cold n gone deaf now in one ear n bad chest (sods law) pregnancy wise feel alot more confey, bump has shrunk from 38 to 35cm due to baby being engaged so just easier to deal with

Lots of cramping bk ache loads of discharge but no stringy plug or anything, n just super tired but think it's more the cold,

If I had decided on a section instead if vbac I would of been Gavin my Lil girl tomorrow haha gutted but weres the fun in that eh?

Finally settled on a name sapphire sienna samuels :) saffy for short

Bags packed 9 weeks ago not even looking in them untill I'm there n sister who I think I'll have as labor partner is bk of her hols tomoz, so just need the baby now!!!!!

Glad all u ladies r well, n for anyone who's 36/7 weeks n really fed but it passes x x x
I'm roasting right now :'( feel uncomfy now, heads pounding, honestly could sleep all day if I don't feel so sick after naps... erm other than that I want this baby out!!!!
Hi, baring up here; had some pain on and of over the last couple of weeks, am starting to sleep after not sleeping for weeks, which is good. Just waiting for baby to come really and pray all will be well... am quite nervous, but excited all at once.. !!
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Does anyone else have days your soooo excited and then days your just nervous?? :eh: xxx
Ooooh, your loss of plug sounds promising Rachey! Yes, I'm definitely getting days of excitement followed by days of being nervous. I keep questioning whether we are really ready for this and hoping that relationship with hubby won't change. There's absolutely no reason why it would, but I fear that we won't have as much time for one another anymore.
It makes me feel all gooey thinking of my hubby with our baby though! I can't wait for that! :love:

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