JSA to Income support


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2010
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Hey girls,

Just wondering how I go about changing from JSA to Income support? I'll be 29 weeks on Saturday, next sign on is this Friday. Will the jobcenter transfer me or will I need to call up and sort it out myself?

Also wondering how do I sign off? Do I need to do anything or just tell Jobcenter and they do it?

Also, how long will it take for Income support to be sorted?

Sorry about all the questions, I'm not used to dealing with benefits, thank you! xx
u have to inform jobcentre about it cause they do interview thing which shows u what ur entitled to when u choose to return to work or something after u have the kid its kinda pointless but once u have done that u dont have to go back to jobcentre anymore :)
i work in a jobcentre. you have to call up income support and make your claim over the phone(everything is done over the phone now.) I would still sign on this friday as usual, as your income support claim could take a couple of weeks to kick in. tell your adviser that you have 11 til your due date when you are in the jobcentre on Friday.
Good luck.
Does anyone know what I need to do, I'm already on income support. Should I call them and let them know on Friday that I'm 11 weeks away from due date. I need to find out if I get more income support or child tax credits. I have no idea. X x x x

Thanks for the replys ladies! Managed to sign off at the job center yesterday so that's all sorted but can't ring and claim Income support till Monday as I wasn't 29 weeks exactly.
How long will it take Income support to sort my claim out and recieve payment? If more than 2 weeks, will I be without money?
Pinkymum, I have no idea but might as well ring and ask advice? :) x
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Pinky if your getting income support already you don't do anything if your a single parent I think you get alil extra on income support but not much and if you've already getting child taxcredits and haven't phoned them to let themknow your pregnant phone them and tell them your pregnant and how long you got left and they advice you from there

Angel it all depends on if they have a back log of claims bit ca normally take between 2 to four weeks they will advice you that you can put in for a social loan to tidy over from your last payment of jobseekers allowance but also I think jobseekers is payed in arrears so you might be owed some I'm not sure so when your were due to sign on again you can get a social loan to tide you over till they get your income support sorted but keep phoning them and checking on the status of your claim x
When I went from JSA to Income Support I just went in on my normal signing day, signed a form and it was all set up there and then! Didnt have to wait for any money or for claim to be sorted, they just signed me off and then onto IS within ten minutes and got my money the same time I normally would x
Pinky if your getting income support already you don't do anything if your a single parent I think you get alil extra on income support but not much and if you've already getting child taxcredits and haven't phoned them to let themknow your pregnant phone them and tell them your pregnant and how long you got left and they advice you from there

Angel it all depends on if they have a back log of claims bit ca normally take between 2 to four weeks they will advice you that you can put in for a social loan to tidy over from your last payment of jobseekers allowance but also I think jobseekers is payed in arrears so you might be owed some I'm not sure so when your were due to sign on again you can get a social loan to tide you over till they get your income support sorted but keep phoning them and checking on the status of your claim x

Thanks hun, I called them and I don't get any extra income support. Just to apply for tax credits and child benefit when baby arrives

x x x x
Hi Ladies. Just a quick question i am 25 weeks pregnant and am working full time. My maternity leave is end of may and after my leave is over i may return to work after 6 months or a year not too sure at the mo, but based on the fact ill return as a part timer what sort of benfit am i entitled to? and also as its my first child wil i get the sure start grant of £500???

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