joint pain?

mrs v

Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2011
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I have no idea whether this is pregnancy related, but since having my lo I have bad knee pains and the top of my spine feels like someone is putting hot rods on it. Granted I am still carrying a little extra weight and carrying Lo about but wondered if anyone else was experiencing this and whether or not it could be preg related?
Yup it's fairly normal and unfortunately can take up to a year to go away. I have sore knees and my fingers and calves used to ache really badly but they have got much better over the past week or two. I'm not sure if it's weight related at all(I lost all my baby weight by the time lo was 6 weeks) but I know it's caused by hormones. Hopefully you should feel better soon.
Thank you for the response, I was starting to think my age was catching up with me lol, as if we don't have to go through enough pain!
Yep got it here as well! Mine didn't start till B was about 7 weeks so Gp has taken bloods just to rule out any arthritis or immune viruses and also checking my anaemia. He gave me strong anti inflamitries which work. Mine has spread to my shoulders and elbows, even my knuckles hurt! X
Lo is 6 months now and I still have horrendously sore knees and ankles, they seem to be worse the more tired I am! Gp also did bloods for me but they were all fine, live in hope it will go away soon! Xx
I started a thread on the very same thing a few weeks ago!

I have had horrendous pain in my knees and they felt really weak and I was struggling to stand when I knelt down.

All normal though! Apparently its all to do with a hormone you release to soften the pelvis for delivery but it affects all your joints to a certain extent. It seems the joys of pregnancy continue long after your no longer preggers!!

I started a thread on the very same thing a few weeks ago!

I have had horrendous pain in my knees and they felt really weak and I was struggling to stand when I knelt down.

All normal though! Apparently its all to do with a hormone you release to soften the pelvis for delivery but it affects all your joints to a certain extent. It seems the joys of pregnancy continue long after your no longer preggers!!


Yep that's exactly how my knees feel! Like once I bend down I cant get up without awful pain and weakness, so does the hormone eventually leave us and things return to normal?
I started a thread on the very same thing a few weeks ago!

I have had horrendous pain in my knees and they felt really weak and I was struggling to stand when I knelt down.

All normal though! Apparently its all to do with a hormone you release to soften the pelvis for delivery but it affects all your joints to a certain extent. It seems the joys of pregnancy continue long after your no longer preggers!!


Yep that's exactly how my knees feel! Like once I bend down I cant get up without awful pain and weakness, so does the hormone eventually leave us and things return to normal?

It will get better over time. My gp said to sit on a chair and stick my legs straight out infront of me holding them up there for a good ten seconds at least. You should feel it in your thighs and she said that should help.


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