Joining you lovely ladies


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Hey Girls :wave:
Well my first af since having Evie arrived yesterday so i spoke to DH about when he wanted to start trying for baby number 2 and he said straight away :cheer: . I know it may seem a little soon to some people as Evie isnt even 2 months old yet, but it took us about 5 months to get pregnant with her ( i had a miscarriage the month before) so we are thinking it may take us at least a few months again.
we would like a little boy to even things out but another little princess would be just as welcome.

So wishing BFPs for all and loads of baby dust :hug:
welcome to the gang!!!!

5 months isnt long!!!!! tho, try 18 months!!!!! thats long.

Wishing you a speedy pregnancy .
Goodness you don't hang around!! Good luck honey , I hope you get a BFP soon :hug:
my guess is you'll be PG again really quick.
I got pregnant after having just one period post baby number one, and we weren't even trying!
Since having Aimèe I know exactly when I'm OV-ing. You become so much more in tune with your body. With Sam we did it with just ONE attempt. Poor DH was gutted because as soon as I was PG I went right off sex again!

Good luck you crazy woman!

:shock: already wow.... you don't waste anytime good luck hope it all works out for the best :hug:
Good luck little*red! I am rooting for you! I bet you're really fertile at the moment too.

I would love, love, love to have my babies close together (but I don't think we can for financial reasons) so I am very envious and will be watching your progress!


Valentine xxx
welcome back to the forum, your pics are lovely.....i love lookin at peoples wedding photys! You were a beautiful bride. :D

Hope your stay in TTC is short and u get ure BFP soon! X
oops wrong thread.......... Good luck TTC number two little*red.
I think i would want to try again asap for number two too, but thats more cause i'm getting on a bit! :wink:

Congrats on your baby Evie, lovely name X
wow ! bet u fall quick , sods law cos ur planning i taken 5 months lol

welcome anyway !
Good grief!! That is excellent news, I hope you get your bfp soon :hug: :hug:
Good luck hun!!! :cheer:
me and OH are going to start trying again soon probley september/october time, would like a summer baby this time
Aww good luck hun, I dont think thats too early at all. My brothers only have ten months between them, eldest was born in september and the other was born in july (he wasnt planned though) and they were in the same year at school and they are best mates.

Good luck :pray:

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