Joining the SPD gang!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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Finally got my physio appointment today and got diagnosed with SPD. I've known for months thats what this pain was but stupid MW refused to refer me to physio saying 'pain is normal in pregnancy, especially with someone your size!' :shock: I ain't a skinny minnie but that was out of order! Anyway it took seeing a different MW who refered me the second I said about the pelvic pain! :dance: A woman who knows her job!

Anyhoo... I've got elbow crutches and a bump support. We'll see how it goes! :pray:
Mine hasn't referred me to a physio. I struggle to get round Tesco now. Still got another 11 weeks of this :cry: .
I'm sorry to hear you have SPD. I was recently diagnosed with it as well, but I am lucky not to need crutches. I hope you start to feel better soon!

Also, Hazel... I referred myself to the physio. Would it be possible for you to do that where you are? It's really worth seeing one!
I am glad you are getting help with this as I have heard its REAL PAINFUL.

Hope it works.
another one in the club. It can get better, according to my physio a small percentage of women do get better before the birth. If i am careful i can feel in no pain for the whole day.

I hope you are able to allevate the symptoms with the crutchs and band.


Hazel, insist on a referral, make her give you one, if she wont go to the GP who can do it, but just get one, it will be better for you to have seen the physio.

Sounds like this effects more people than i thought an dto think id never even heard of it before i joined PF.

Glad you have the help and support now, i have the bump band and it works wonders when out and about walking around, not to comfy when you forget its on and sit down though.....
I'm lucky and not needing the crutches yet ( touchwood)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hazel - Hassle your GP and MW until they refer you! According to the physiotherapist I saw SPD can be bad if it doesn't get treated. I know what it is like though, my usual MW (who is a right trout face!) kept telling me it was weight causing the pains and saying it was all normal in pregnancy but I knew something was wrong. From what you described on that previous post it sounds exactly like SPD! :hug:
I'm going to ask to see physio next time have docs appointment as I have a bad back also from a horse riding accident when I was a kid and that plays up when I don't exercise enough. I feel like I need to go on a long run to loosen everything up. I actually miss the treadmill at the gym :shock: . I keep saying to DH that when baby is here I'm going to go running up the closed road opposite our house with the baby in the pram.
My SPD has become almost unbearable. And my hospital wont oa thing. No crutches, no nothing! :(

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