Back from the midwife!

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Everything still fine, blood pressure 110/70, fundal height is 25cm, wee wee fine, :dance:

she is referring me to a physio now as i finally decided to tell her about my pelvic pain, had it since 10 weeks :doh: Says its SPD which i had self diagnosed anyway!

Good job i have only got 8 weeks left at work :cheer:
Great news that all is well hun, and good that your seeing a physio, hopefully be able to ease the pains a bit.
All the best,
Sarah x
glad everything is going so well. I've got to see a physio too as I'm getting similar pains to SPD.

I'd not really worked out how many weeks I'd still got left to work.....although I do know I've only got 70 more days left at work :rotfl: :rotfl: but I've just realised I've only actually got 12 more full weeks left to work!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Oooh you'll get to have a sexy hip strap too :cheer:

Glad everything was ok at your appointment, did they note the fundal height on your chart in your notes?
Yay on everything being great!
Sorry about the SPD! My aunt had that! Hope the physio helps! :hug:
Mildy - just had a look, yes its in the same little boxes where they put blood pressure, heart beat weight etc
I wish i had read this thread before posting one :? typical me lol

Aww I am sorry to hear about your SPD, I hope the Physio helps xx

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