Job Interview - what to say

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I've had loads of interviews over the last 6 months and as soon as I've said I'm pregnant they thank me for coming and lose all interest.

I'm a very honest person but I know they are not allowed to discriminate against pregnancy and i'm really tempted not to say anything this time.

The interview is tomorrow and I have an outfit that totally hides my bump. What are peoples thoughts on this?

On the one hand it seems pointless to even be attending interviews now that I'm already 6 months gone, but on the other hand I could do with the money and I'm so fed up of being turned down on this issue. My husband says wait until they offer me the job and then tell them and then they cant not give it to me, but I'm wondering if there is a law that you do have to say after so many weeks? I understand you are obliged to tell a current employer at least 15 weeks before due date, is that right?

All opinions and any good facts would be great at this point! x
I would go with what your hubby says. Say nothing during the interview and then if and when it comes to the offer of employment then slip it in. If they retract the offer then you know that it's due to the pregnancy and you can start to argue your case x
Nope, no law says you have to declare it, will just need to tell them once they made an offer and it's 15 weeks before ur DD xx
Isnt it 15 weeks to my due date now? Does that mean I would definitely have to tell them straight away?
I would just tell them if they don't want you working for them due to pregnancy then waiting until your offered the job won't help they will just get around it by saying the position is not longer available or some crap- or have you in for your three month trial and say that your not right for the position, and i'm afraid they would get away with it as far as i know and its just putting you through more stress and heartache.
I went for my interview at 36 weeks preg and got the job so there is hope!! X

Personally I wouldn't tell them at interview especially if you are going for a temporary position, you don't have to. I just wouldn't give them opportunity to make up another reason not to offer you the job.

Here's a couple of links I found:

I'd like to think that most firms would not discriminate against a PG woman at interview and I'm sure there are a lot of firms who don't. However time and again I've read where offers have been withdrawn contracts terminated after they have been told about a pregnancy and always it has supposedly nothing to do with the pregnancy. You are not being dishonest by not mentioning at interview because they simply have no right to know at that stage.
yeah you would need to tell them straight away once you start the job. if they discriminate you can take them to court for sex discrimination, i.e. if they withdrew the offer afterwards. xx
So the offer can still be accepted then, I presuming pos that it's when you are actually appointed into the position that you are obliged to tell them and not beforehand?
Like i said its very hard to prove they are discriminating when you are new to a job and on your trial period there are tonnes of reason's they can use to let you go - thats what a trial period is for so im afraid i don't think taking them to court would work... i know there not supost to its shitty but they do :( xx
If you get offered the job then they cant get rid of you without a fight. I was 8 weeks when I got my job and told them about a week after I started (to make sure i liked it before the fuss) and they kept me on mind you they have been a bit pissy about appointments.
If your struggling tho coz you prob look pregnant why not try temping? You wont get any maternity pay from your new company so you might just as well think about getting money in the mean time!!
I got a job at 8 weeks ish with my first and told them after they were arkward about appointments and basically made as much effort as they could to make me hate it till I quit. I think they were mad I wasn't honest. Even subway turned me down for q job because I was honest tho she made it clear she didn't like the idea when she can employ someone who they won't have to train just to leave. It's so hard knowing what to do.
Like i said its very hard to prove they are discriminating when you are new to a job and on your trial period there are tonnes of reason's they can use to let you go - thats what a trial period is for so im afraid i don't think taking them to court would work... i know there not supost to its shitty but they do :( xx

trust me, it would be VERY hard for them to prove otherwise, when a company is taken to court they have to prove it wasn' dont have to prove it was. i work in HR and the difficulty sits with the employer not the staff especially when there is someone pregnant, at my work we don't mess with preggers ladies haha!

Thanks so much for all the advice girls. I went to the interview and due to the questions she asked me about commitments during Christmas and whether I can up my hours during their peak time in February etc it was impossible not to tell them without lying, which I wouldnt do. So i told her I was pregnant and wouldnt definitely be back by February and she thanked me and said they wouldnt be taking it any further....

Why did I even bother! I'm going to give up job hunting now, it isnt worth it with only 15 weeks to go. I have been doing some temping but there just isnt that much work around, sigh.....
Sorry Starfish that sucks. However they should be looking at if your are capable of doing the job not whether you are PG. The law specifically says that they are not allowed to do that. I'd be taking advice to see if her terminating the interview after finding out you were PG is classified as discrimination. I know I'd be fuming.
Oh that sucks Star :( so much for honesty being the best policy. :hug: :hug:
Thanks guys, I know it sucks, but I'm getting rather resigned to it. I think I've had 15 interviews in the last 3 months and its always the same. I requested formal feedback after I didnt get a job I really really wanted and was perfect for and they said they felt I was 'over qualified' for the position. Bullshit!

Anyway, I am going to go back to working on another novel, it makes me happy, it's just that we really could have done with the money sooner than later!
Aww thats so shite but at least you where honest! I can't belive she didnt even carry on the interview even if they went another way there is no need... i really hope you get your dream job and this is just a bump in the road (no pun intended) xx

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