Jinxed myself...


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2012
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Some of you may know that I used to suffer with recurrent bouts of thrush as I've wrote it a few times on here, well I had got rid of it for a month which was HEAVEN! ... and now I have it back :( soo yes I have jinxed myself! ... grrr it's soo annoying!!! Does anyone know anything that will completely cure it? I had a drink on friday night then noticed I was getting a bit sore down there and bam there it was! ... I know alot of sugar can cause thrush so I'm not suprised if the alcohol has caused it but it's soooo annoying!!!!! :( :(

Help pleaseee!

Hello, has your oh been tested might be that he has passed it back to you?

Sorry you have thrust again very annoying!

Yeah hun he had tablets aswell to treat it, we have done the deed about a week ago now that was the last time and I didn't have anything until today, I'm wondering if it's something I'm eating or certain knickers I'm wearing that's causing it, it's soo annoying! I got the proper cream here to treat it so I've been using that since yesterday but my god it's frustrating! I never used to suffer with it until last year! :( ... I wonder if thrush is interferring with why I ain't catching but the docs keep saying it's not :S

this is very strange - have you been to the doctor?

It has to be something - maybe it is you knickers ot food i just dont know but i woudl say get to the dr!
hope it clears up soom

It is soo strange! ... yeah im wondering if it is aswell ... hmmmmm ... yeahh ill get back to the docs about this and hopefully they will actually do something about it! xxx
You need 100% cotton or linen knickers hun, anything lacy and racy will set it off. No tight fitting stuff and if possible can you wash on a hot wash? Linen trousers are good as they let your bits breathe, they are quite cheap this year New Look have then for £12 a pair. Same with your OH, no tight fitting pants etc (they also cause a lower sperm count cos they make the chinese lanterns too warm :wink:)

This link might give you some hints http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Thrush/Pages/Prevention.aspx
Maybe talk to your doctor about having thrust internally?? My mum has thrush internally and is constantly getting it down there, in her mouth and causes her to have water infections. It's not nice especially when your out and irritating you like mad!!

Hope you get it sorted!!

X x
I thought I was getting very recurring thrush too but it turns out that I have an allergy to Citric Acid and Fermented foods, such as alcohol (sorry!) and the amount of things it is in that you wouldnt really think, like table sauces (tomato sauce, tartar sauce), ice lollies and ice cream, vinegar, citrus fruits and so much more, I have to read the labels on everything but since I have cut out pretty much anything with citric acid in the itching has stopped pretty much completely. I dont know if this would be the same for you but it's worth giving it a go.

Having said that, I ate something yesterday which obviously had some kind of citric acid in as i'm itching like crazy today but a little bit of vitamin E cream soon soothes it.

Hope you find relief from yours too


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