January babies


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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...we are now due NEXT MONTH :love: Love it! Saying I was due in January always seemed like ages away! Even last month lol. Now it doesn't :)

And December ladies - eeeeeeeeee! Mucho excitement :dance:

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December has come far too quick!!

41 days to go and counting!
OMG I hadn't thought of that! Joy and terror rolled into one!
Love it! Still not thinking about labour lol. X

This year is going way to quick! adding another month on my pregnancy wouldn't bother me!
i know :love:

i can't believe how fast it's gone!!

i'm refusing to even think about labour....i'll cross that bridge when it arrives, but it seems to be arriving quicker than antisipated :sick:
Aww all the January Mummys :love: cant wait til u girls catch us up then meet us in the baby and toddler section xx
Me too hun. This is when 2,3,4 weeks etc feels like a long time! xx
definatly have to agree olive, with 5 weeks to go i'm really getting impatient!!! but other times i wouldn't mind adding an extra month to my pregnancy! :rofl:
I think this is also why I'm not having an advent calendar. I don't want to be reminded of the countdown until i feel more ready lol
i'm not even a Jan mummy, i'm not due till feb i'm just butting it :P But my son's birthday is in Jan 2 weeks before i am due, so that shortens my countdown! not looking forward to organising a 2nd birthday party! x
It will go even quicker with Xmas and New Year squahsed in :)
Can't believe you ladies are due next month, that means closer to Feb for meee :) x
EEEEKKKKK don't say those words..... im putting my fingers in my ears and saying lalalala if you keep saying the word labour and next month in the same sentence! x
Can I hang around here as well as dec thread cos Orlando is due 31st dec so will prob be January by the time he pops out

I'm loving being pregnant and looking forward to meeting baby, but at times I get scared when I realise when we get home from hospital we've got a baby 24/7. I've got loads of nieces and nephews, but it's been ages since I actually had to look after any of them! Up to now I've had a really easy pregnancy too, so nothing really to complain about.

But the last week or so I've really started to feel uncomfortable, especially on an evening and at night. Last night I was so restless I couldn't sit comfortably on the sofa, so tried sitting on birthing ball. Then hubby piled a load of cushions and bean bags on the sofa behind me to create a back rest - he's ace! Was comfy for about an hour, then I had to move again. I know this is probably nothing compared to what some of you are going through, especially with SPD etc. and I don't know how I would cope with that. But physically I'm looking forward to baby being here and being able to sit and sleep comfortably again, even if mentally I still need to catch up a bit!
I'm so excited and can't wait! Although have a feeling my LO won't make an appearence until Feb. As long as he/she arrives safe and sound thats all that matters. And i'm actually looking forward to labour lol. Prob won't be liking it so much when its actually happening!x
Im due on 28th jan so im at the bloody end! I do go early though so fingers crosseds! With x.mas and new year dec will fly be then we'l all be panicing about labour aagghh!! X

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