James 2 teeth *** FINALLY with pic!!!!!***


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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OMG you have no idea how long and how many pictures its taken to get this :rotfl: I have about 100 pictures of dribble and his tongue :rotfl: Anyway, finally a little peek at his 2 gnashers :D



We have another one! Thats his 2 botttom teeth :cheer: they are only through slightly still but they are there, shiny white and sharp. Go Jamesy!!!! :cheer: :cheer:


I just posted in the teething thread but I think it deserves its own thread as it made me well happy.

This morning I spied the little pearly white shining in James mouth :D about bloomin time!

We have a tooth! :dance: :dance:
:cheer: for the little peg! :pray: Cooper doesn't get them any time soon as i'm BF! :) xx
:cheer: Yay well done James.

Sam showing no signs of them popping through yet :( just lots and lots of dribble!!
Awwww what a busy week for James :) And he's been so brave and good about it.

Take some pics :D I wanna see his toothy peg :)

Still waiting on Galen's ones to break through. Can defo feel them and he is grizzly and getting hot cheeks etc, so hoping it won't be long now.
YAY for the little toothy!!! It's so exciting, Violet got hers last week and I keep looking at it all the time...it's soooooo cute!! (won't be saying that if she bites me when feeding tho!!)
Sherlock said:
Take some pics :D I wanna see his toothy peg :)

Ive been trying to take one but he wont keep his mouth open long enough :lol: Its so tiny still, only about 2mm through so I need to use the close up macro thingy but he wont hold still :rotfl:

little monkey pee!
aww yay how cool. At 4 months too! So early!
Yay! Oliver's first tooth popped through yesterday :)
its a bottom, its still not poked through anymore yet but he isnt so fussy now!! :cheer:

Kathryn doesn't have hair or teeth yet! She's takin her own sweet time!
yay for peg 2! :cheer: I'm expecting Logie's first to poke through any time now
Go james! always the way woth teeth, one pops out then so does the other, you should get some peace now for a while!!!

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