Jaiden Adam Payne 20/02/12


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2011
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Hey ladies sorry ive not been on, had a crazy few days, so here goes Jaidens birth story :) .....

Last sat night id been visiting my nan in hospital, i'd been to the loo and was walking back to the ward when i felt a trickling.. didnt think much to it til i got home, more trickling and stronger BH's, so i rang my friend to see if she thought it was my waters (id had them broken last 2 times)

So turns out it was waters, rang labour ward they told me to go to the antenatal day unit on sunday morning to be checked over if the contractions didnt get any closer, so i laid down and the pain stopped!

Sunday morning was still leaking so we made our way to the ADU, the mw checked my pad and said the loss on it looked green which meant baby had probably pooed inside :S

They monitored/scanned me all was fine with us both, got told they were admitting me tho, got put onto a ward as labour n delivery were too busy to take me!

Finally got onto labour ward around 5pm, they checked me over and the loss was getting thicker and darker, meaning baby was still pooing, so onto the monitor for a few hours, my contractions were getting stronger and closer together and baby was managing well with everything,

Around 6pm the mw broke the rest of my waters and the stuff was thicker/more of it and really brown (sorry tmi)

They wanted to put me on a hormone drip to speed things up but i refused (stupid needle phobia won again) When mw broke waters i was 3cm dilated, they carried on monitoring all was ok, then........

They checked me again at 1am monday morning i was still 3cm!! Theyd said they wanted me to be at least 6/7cm for me to carry on naturally, so i was told in no uncertain terms we need this baby out and you need a c section

All the staff were amazing and so patient (i was a blubbering wreck) the aneasetist (sp) was fab, waited til i had a contraction then stuck my drip in,

They wheeled me into theatre at 1.24am for spinal etc and baby Jaiden was born at 1.58am, he was still pooing when they pulled him out and for a good 10mins afterwards!

They said he looked like Shrek he was that green!

Luckily he was totally ok scored 9 @1 min and 9 @5mins on the Apgar score

It took them til nearly 3am to stitch me up and i was put into recovery, then onto the ward at around 10am monday morning,

We are both brilliant and was discharged yesterday lunchtime.

Im totally head over heels in love with our baby boy and have falled so much more in love with my husband who's been amazing !

(sorry for long post)

Would like you all to meet Jaiden Adam....


Around 2 hours old in recovery


Our beautiful perfect baby boy :) xxxxx
Thank you hunni i think so im totally smitten!

To be fair most of the stress and messing about was my fault it would have been over a lot quicker if i could have brought myself to have the drip earlier on, my main thing was they kept telling me he was ok so all the time they were saying that i didnt have the drip, it was when they didnt give me any other choice it was too late for natural

Totally down to me, ive sobbed and beaten myself up about it so much xx
awh your both healthy dont worry about that..hes gorgeous congrats hun x
Thank you ladies i was very lucky to be bringing him home healthy xxx
He is absolutely beautiful!!!!! Congratulations babe xxx

Well done & congrats he is just gorgeous :love: x
Thank you im sooo in love with him xxx
Well Done & Congratulations, our babies share a birthday :) x
Wow, that little guy sure knows how to poop :lol:..Congratulation's he's beautiful :)
Thanks ladies ~ Zoe i noticed that lol

and Danii omg yes he knows how to poop! Still giving plenty of dirty nappys haha xxx
Great story hunnie, glad ur both ok!! Hes beautiful xxx
what a cutie pie. Made me a bit teary. well done you. x
Thank you everyone he's def worth everything i went through xx
what a beautiful boy so worth it arent they :) xxx

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