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Jack James Micheal Barton - 13.08.08


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Birth Story of Jack James Michael Barton
DOB: Wednesday 13th August 2008 @ 6:41am
EDD: By LMP 21.08 By scan 23.08
Weight: 9lbs 14 :shock:
Via: Emergency C-Section
Birth Plan: Hoped for Home Birth
Complications: Undiagnosed Breech, Pre-Eclampsia escalating to full blown Eclampsia

Pregnancy History
1st Bump pic @ 19 Weeks

Last Bump pic @ 34 Weeks

For those who haven't bored of it already, I had been repeatedly going to hospital, MWs and GPs with Pre-Eclampsia symptoms since 16 weeks (swelling of feet and hands, visual disturbances, headaches, high BP, pain in right rib).
My feet :puke: :

In the days leading up to birth;

Monday 4th - GP Check, BP very high - referred to DAU, Sent home as BP was 'ok' and no protein showing in urine, asked to come back Weds.
Wednesday 6th - waited for 5 hours, sent home as too short staffed and asked to come back Thurs
Thursday 7th - Diagnosed as 'mild' pre-eclampsia
Saturday 9th - Sweep conducted - resulted in slight bleeding, regular painless Braxton Hicks from then on til birth
Monday 11th - Again only trace of protein, so sent home
Tuesday 12th - Consultant done internal examination - said cervix favourable, but no protein and BP consistant. Said she thought it was actually NOT Pre-Eclampsia and to come back in one week!

Before bed that night, had a little pinky wipe, but put it down to having an internal earlier on.

The Birth
2.30am – felt a little wet ‘down there’ told OH I thought my waters were going. He got up to turn on the light and by that point I knew they were…I was in a pool on the bed! Yuk! Soaked through a whole towel getting to the bathroom and phoned labour ward from the toilet.

Thankfully got through to a women who had seen me already with high BP who asked me to come in but labour ward was full but come in just to get checked. Contractions then started at around 8mins apart.

Got there by 3.30am and was told to go to Ante natal – by then contractions every 4 mins. They found us a bed on a ward where two women were sleeping so had to hide OH behind a curtain and just breathe through contractions trying not to wake them.

Hooked me up to BP monitor and CTG machine for 20 mins – contractions got to 2 mins apart and she done an internal – said I was just 1cm but she was certain she wasn’t feeling a head, and was certain it was a foot. She calmly explained we would need to then started getting ready for theatre ASAP for an emergency C-Section ?

When it started to go wrong…Thankfully, though I hoped for a home birth, I never wrote a full birth plan as I wanted to be open to everything and anything, and had thought through the prospect of a c-section previously incase this situation arouse.

Epidural took ages as apparently I have a curved spine!

Once laid out and chatting to OH while they started about their business, I started to feel sick, my eyes were getting heavy and my head felt like it was sinking. OH told them and turns out my BP had dropped to about 75/50! They topped up the drip and I felt better for a moment but felt funny again about 5 minutes later…BP dropped again to 55/35!!! Again they topped up the drip and was chatting to OH about holidays when we heard a little cry across the room!!

OH went and got Jack and gave him to me – he looked just like his 4d pic which really helped that first bonding – but again my BP started to drop and he was taken off me ?

I was wheeled in to recovery, and MW was checking my BP and just about to give first breast feed when my arm started to shake, well, spasm – she said it was normal but OH could see something was up and the next minute everything got scary

Fits…When it went even more wrong…My whole body went into seizure – I heard MW call out that I was having an eclamptic fit. I couldn’t hold my eyes open, couldn’t talk and couldn’t control my movements. Apparently the best way to describe it is like and epileptic fit – and is also brought on by swelling in the brain.

About 10 people came running and put in a drip of Magnesium Sulphate. I could everything that was happening but couldn’t tell them or OH I was ‘ok’. The Mag’ Sulphate brought me back round and I felt knackered.

Then about 5-10minutes later, as MW was explaining what happened – I had the second fit! Docs came running again and topped up the drip.

I spent the rest of the day until midnight on recovery ward, immobilized by two drips, BP monitor, heart rate monitor and catheter!

I stayed up on labour ward that night and the staff were amazing looking after me and Jack. OH was unreal too, feeding me and keeping me comfortable. He admitted to crying his eyes out after seeing the fits :(

The Aftermath
On Thursday night I was moved to ante natal ward and really disliked the staff on the first night :evil: I had been taken off liquid morphine earlier that day as it was making me trip out! Yet they got funny when I turned it down later and were really unhelpful in helping me get about or helping with Jack.

When the drip was taking out, my hand started spasming again and I was petrified of another seizure, turns out I was just hemorrhaging!

On Friday night, doctor came and told me I wouldn’t be going home for a while, as they had been giving me the wrong drugs for my BP so would have to switch them and monitor me for longer! Thankfully after much begging and pleading, I was allowed home by Sunday evening.

And Now….

I really owe my life to my little man doing his last minute flip to breech. I had some many check ups in that last week and he was head down and starting to engage, god knows how he managed to turn completely like that…but if he hadn’t we would both be in a whole different boat…I would have been left to labour naturally and those docs would have not been so closely to hand.

He is so well behaved too, and is so perfectly healthy, I feel very lucky that the 3 of us can now get on with being a happy healthy family and look forward to the future ?

The Photos
For the ones that just want to go ahhhh…here he is!

Daddys Kisses

Bored on the ward

Sleepy head

Proud Nanny

And finally coming home....
:shock: ...good god, you had a right time of it! i am glad everything turned out well and he is absolutely gorg!
wow sounds like a scary time for you!! u r soooo brave!!
he is sooo perfect!!! congratulations !!!!! :D :D :D
:hug: That sounds really traumatic.

He is a beautiful little boy though, Congratulations :cheer: :cheer:
Awww sweetie, you went through so much :hug: You poor thing :hug:

Thanks for sharing, huge congratulations on the birth of Jack - he's a real cutie :D Hope you're on the mend now!

C xxx
:D he's gorgeous hun

:hug: i hope you are ok- you really had a bad time :hug: :hug:
Glad your both OK, must have been pretty scary for you! :hug:
He is gorgeous! congratulations! :cheer:
gosh!! so glad all is well now...take good care of yourself for the next few days...

he is so cute...aww :)
Aww, such nice pics! And jeees, you poor thing, sounds like you really had a hard time. Well done :D
My god hun you really went through it :hug: :hug: Glad your ok now and its great your both home. He's a little stunner!
well done for getting through it all chick.

he's gorgeous!

midwife reckons i'm gonna be having a 9lb-er too.

:hug: :hug: :hug: have some hugs and i hope you are feeling better soon.
What an ordeal for you hun :hug: Hope you are enjoying being at home with your little family and OH is pampering your lots! Jack is just adorable!

Sarah x
Wow what a birth story :shock: So glad everything turned out ok hun :hug:

And congratulations on your beautiful little boy :cheer:
Bloody hell!! :shock: I am in shock... That must have been sooooo scary for you & James. I'm so glad everything worked out well and in light of things, it's a good job you had to have a section :hug: I'm SO proud of you! You did so bloody well babe!!

Jack is adorable and you must be very very proud of him! I bet you looked friggin' fantastic too during all that! :shakehead:

You've done so well hun you really have. I'm so glad your ordeal is over and you can move on the 3 of you, and play happy families again :D

Glad you're home too. And don't forget to PM me your address! I have a card going mouldy here :lol:

:hug: Massive hugs to you, you did brilliantly. xxx

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