Jabs - What to Expect?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Miss Evie has her jabs tomorrow :( I'm so sad for her! I know she has to have them but the thought of me DRIVING her to the docs when she's all smiley and happy only to let a doctor stab her with a needle and make her cry really upsets me! :cry: (OK, slight exaggeration :lol: "stab" lol)

I can't stop thinking about it... I've told her what's going to happen, like she'll understand :roll: :lol: but I well up whenever I say it! :oops:

Anyway, enough about my guilt! What can I expect? How many injections and where? My HV said they can be a bit grouchy the evening of the injections, how grumpy? How much calpol should I use? (She suggested buying some especially for the jabs).

:( Poor Miss Evie... x
:cry: Dont know any answers but Ivy has hers too. Shes meant them on the 6th but because we are going away and a mess up with the surgerys we are having them on the 25th. Send Evie ickley tiny baby hugs from Ivy. Hope shes okay x
Can you take your Mum or someone with your Dannii? Ophelia had hers last week and I cried my eyes out, it is quite an emotional event so better to have someone there if you can :hug: :hug: :hug: It's 2 injections, 1 in each thigh, and the nurse administering them will give you all the information about them, and what to do if Evie becomes unwell. You can get a Calpol which is designed for babies under 3months, but I was advised that if baby becomes hot and irritable, that stripping her down and sponging her with water is very effective too. Very best wishes, I am sure Evie will be just fine because you are there with her, take care :hug: :hug: :hug:

I was an emotional wreck too! luckily i had my dh with me- he held her while i cried! Lily had a few tears but nothing else- we were given a prescription for paracetamol but she didn't need it- although one of my nct group was advised to give her baby some even if she seemed happy. good luck hun, it'll be over quickly and its better for her to have this quick pain than the illnesses :hug: :hug: :hug:
Its not that bad hunni :hug: :hug:

I always give James Calpol half an hour before we go so it saves him getting a temp at all. Take a dummy for Evie to suck on to take her mind off it. James slept alot after his jabs and he wasnt all that grouchy.Goodluck!! :hug: :hug:
It's worse for us than it is for them, trust me. They're over it in a minute. It's us that are left upset from it. She will be fine. Give her Calpol before hand.
Its not the best of things to go through, I was awful last week we took aaron. I could not hold him so had DH hold him, I looked away and when he cried my tears were worse.

I took some expressed milk with me, so as soon as his big cries were over I gave him some milk and he forgot the pain but take someone with you. It is a jab in each thigh, its a small prick but awful to watch them cry
DebbieM said:
It's worse for us than it is for them, trust me. They're over it in a minute. It's us that are left upset from it. She will be fine. Give her Calpol before hand.

Yep defo worse for us than them.
The only jabs that affected my LO was her 3rd set, the other ones she seemed fine afterwards.
Dannii, ours are tomorrow afternoon too, I'll be thinking of you! x
DebbieM said:
It's worse for us than it is for them, trust me. They're over it in a minute. It's us that are left upset from it. She will be fine. Give her Calpol before hand.

I agree! It's heartbreaking for us but just a minute of tears for them...less if you go armed with milk!
Tom was fine afterwards. He cried literally for 30 secs and was fine afterwards. No side-effects, nothing.
The nurse stuck two little round plasters on him with smiley faces on and I cried again when I got him undressed that evening and saw them stuck on his podgy little arm and leg!

Good luck! Be brave! xxx
2 jabs, one in each thigh at the same time usually. The nurses double team so baby only has the one lot. 2nd set of jabs are 2 more same as the first. Third set there are 3 jabs. So one in each thigh, then another single one.

TBH Galen yelled for about 30 seconds and then was fine. All forgotten about.

Afterwards he was a bit grumpy for 24 hours. Slept a bit more also. But no temp or anything and didn't give any Calpol as a pre empt or after. Didn't see the need.
I have to book Oscar's for next week. Good tip about taking a dummy and some EBM, I shall definitely do that :)

Good luck with the jabs NickyB and Dannii, hope Lucy and Evie don't cry too much :hug:
Its really not that bad hun, as everyone else said it is worse for us!! Eden had hers 2 weeks ago and it went absolutely fine. She cried for like 30 seconds straight after the needles but then was fine. We had no side effects after, and had no calpol. They shouldnt really have it at 8 weeks, only a very small amount if really necessary, but you may find you dont need it anyway. She may be a little grizzly or sleepy afterwards but this is completely normal, you should only give the calpol if she gets a fever and then only 2.5ml - the small end of the dispensing spoon. They give 2 injections at the first set, one in each leg, but really it is over very quickly. Try not to stress about it, cos Evie will pick up on your vibes :hug:
Nurse told us to wait in reception for 10 minutes after just in case there was any reactions, we sat and gave her a bottle. Took her for a walk after for some fresh air in the afternoon and she slept. In the evening she was hot and grumpy so gave her a little bit of Calpol and she was happier after. Next day back to normal.
Good luck hun :hug: Hope it goes ok. I cried my eyes out when Amber had her heel prick test, it was awful! So god only knows what I'll be like when she has her proper jabs!
Think its worse for us Mummies than it is for LO's!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
/hope it went ok Dannii. I was ok, and she seems normal now. Lucy let out a little cry, I turned her round for a cuddle to see her face contorted in a scream, no noise. She held that face for the longest second... then 'wahhhhh' and puked over me!

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