Miss Evie has her jabs tomorrow
I'm so sad for her! I know she has to have them but the thought of me DRIVING her to the docs when she's all smiley and happy only to let a doctor stab her with a needle and make her cry really upsets me!
(OK, slight exaggeration
"stab" lol)
I can't stop thinking about it... I've told her what's going to happen, like she'll understand
but I well up whenever I say it!
Anyway, enough about my guilt! What can I expect? How many injections and where? My HV said they can be a bit grouchy the evening of the injections, how grumpy? How much calpol should I use? (She suggested buying some especially for the jabs).
Poor Miss Evie... x

I can't stop thinking about it... I've told her what's going to happen, like she'll understand

Anyway, enough about my guilt! What can I expect? How many injections and where? My HV said they can be a bit grouchy the evening of the injections, how grumpy? How much calpol should I use? (She suggested buying some especially for the jabs).