Jabs and calpol


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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O has his jabs tomorrow and was wondering what u guys did with calpol ?

Shall I give it him to prevent a fever? If so how long after jabs?

We waited to see if Jack reacted first rather than just giving the calpol anyway. He didn't react at all with the 1st set of jabs and slept alot after the 2nd lot and no reaction again after the 3rd lot. See how he is first hun incase he doesn't react x
when ben had his jabs, we gave him a dose just before jabs and kept him dosed up for the night and the following morning. HV gave advice as she believed it might leave them uncomfortable and with a pain even if thry didnt have a fever, worked for ben
We didn't give Holly anything and she was fine, ask the nurse about whether they recommend calpol for afterwards cos some do and some don't.
The nurse that gives Sophia her jabs advised not to give calpol before and only if she had a fever or was grizzly afterwards. She said it can be less effective as relief if given before. After her first jabs she was a grizzle bum afterwards so gave her some calpol a while later. Her second and third set she was fine and didn't need anything. My eldest never needed calpol after any jabs :) another tip she gave was to keep her cool afterwards, basically not wrap her up in lots of layers etc as keeping her cooler would mean she was less likely to be grizzly xx
Yeah my HV and nurse also said don't give them paracetamol or Calpol unless its necessary so only if they're irritable or develop a low fever afterwards. Luckily Angel has been fine after both :) x
yep, think better to wait til after, my lo's reaction came 4 hours after the jabs so wouldn't have been able to give a dose when it mattered if had given one before.

my lo got a bit irratable then slept.
Same here, didnt give calpol at all but was advised to wait and see too.

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I was advised to wait and see as Calpol can reduce the effectiveness of the jab. We didn't need any at all.

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Right what i did with my daugther and all my family do is half an hour before the jabs give half the dose of calpol then just minutes before tap the thighs until you go into the room just to help numb them a bit so less off a shock then if his temp goes up give him the second half of calpol plus a teether thats been in the freezer it will work wonders i live by it just like all my family x
With Oscars first jabs I didn't give calpol until he got the reaction, which happened 4 hours after.

The 2nd lot I gave calpol before we went and he still got the reaction, but when the calpol wore off.

The 3rd lot I waited til he got a reaction again, which was 24 hours after jabs, and his 12 month jabs was the same.
I was advised not to give calpol before, the firstmlot of jabs he didnt get any reaction, it was mainly the bigger ones like the mmr etc where he had a fever. Id personally wait and see how he is, i wouldnt take a paracetamol if i didnt have a headache iykwim.... Id take it when i actually had it.hope that makes sense!
I didn't give Kynon any calpol, think its silly to just incase, you wouldn't take a paracetomol just incase you might get a reaction to a jab yourself. I would just wait and see, Kynon didn't get a fever just slept a lot and was a bit grumpy. Hope he's ok x

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MrsMc we are in sync...Fin has his jabs tomorrow am. Not planning on giving medicine until after if he's out of sorts. Hope it goes OK and O doesn't cry too much
I didn't give LO calpol before hand coz i read somewhere it could stop jags working right (duno if thats right or not) but I also knew effects dont start til around 4 hours later, so i just thot best to wait til then. My LO wasn't too bad with jags, he was a nightmare for about 2 hours, but after that slept fine ect. But he was hysterical for the 2 hours right enough, but came out it.

I was told not too as well unless I really had to which I did, Jacob had a really hard time with all of them, high pitch screaming, fever, upset tummy and runs, took him 5 days to get over each lot, was awful, so glad he doesn't have any more until he is 12 months but most babies just get grumpy for about 48 hours, all my others were fine, was just him, poor little guy.

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