IVF update - day 51


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2011
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Well, I must say, it's all come around quite quick considering I'm on day 51!

This morning I had my final scan before my procedure and I am once again relieved to say everything looks ok down there :lol:

I have 12 large follicles measuring about 2cm each and other small/medium sized ones still growing. My lining is also nice and thick, as it should be. On the whole i have responded very well with the meds they have prescribed me. yay me :lol:

My last Gonal F injection will be Saturday night and my last Buserelin injection will be Sunday morning. Boy, will I be pleased to see the back of those med's!!

Get this, on 1:45am early hours of Monday morning i need to take Ovitrelle to induce ovulation (36 hrs before procedure). Better set the alarm!

Symptoms: headaches all but gone, complexion wonderful (usually have awulf skin), tiredness, increase in CM, bb's begining to hurt especially my nipples, ouch! Bad aches and pains in my ovary area and very bloated too!!

One slight problem though...I'm getting nervous. All sorts of things are running around in my head: What if there are no eggs? What if they are all bad? What if I don't produce that many?? I mean, one unsuccessful pregnancy in 4 years is pretty bad, all the rest of the time, nothing?! If there is something wrong with my eggs, now is the time they will find it.

If you are religious send are prayer for me if not wish me lots of luck, I think I may need it!

Hope everyone is doing ok. Sending lots of :dust::dust::dust:to us all xxx
one hugggge prayer coming to you hun all the best!!!!xx let us know how you get on..xx
Massive hugs and i will say a prayer for you hun. dying to know how you get on xxxxxx
Hey Kerrieanne, that's fab news!! :)
Try not to worry - I only had 4 follicles last time which produced just two eggs, but they both fertilised. So 12 large follies is mega!
Wishing you all the luck in the world for the egg collection on Tuesday. If all goes to plan, I'm just 6 days behind you... keep us posted how you get on!
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Wishing you all the luck in the world hun xxx
Good luck, Don't be too nervous xxxxxxx
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Loads of luck hun!

Will be sending you positive thoughts!!

Thank you for your messages Girlies x

Injections now finished. Yes!!! Woo hoo!!! Feeling more bloated now and my ovaries feel really swollen and uncomfortable. Not sleeping too well either. Looking forward to tomorrow when I will hopefully feel a bit less deflated. Getting nervous now, Not about the procedure but about the result. I do hope it all goes well, keeping happy thoughts! I'll keep u all posted.

What a ride!
ooooooooooooo good luck hope you have lots of juicy eggs in there!!!!!!!!!!! and you get your bfp!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Kerrieanne
Hope all went well today and you're not feeling too sore. Got everything crossed for you! xxx
Hope your doing alright Kerrie, thinking of you and your eggies ;)

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