I've turned into a lunatic - please help!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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So I've been feeling what I think are stretching aches all day, not pain, aches.
I went to the loo at around 3pm and when I wiped I noticed a small amount of sandy coloured cm on the tissue. It's wasn't red, wasn't pink, it was not even really brown, it was like sand but leaning towards the browner side of things.
There was no more to be found and has been none since.
So when I got home I thought I'd seek reassurance in the Doppler. I've found hb easily ever time since just before 10 weeks and I can't bloody find it today!
Now I know they can be hard to find, I have no more cm although the stretching feeling is still there.
What do you think? x
Not sure if u seen my thread a few weeks back when I had the bladder infection, but this sounds exactly like what I felt and seen. Can u be sure if its cm or coming from pee maybe?xxxx

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I have the same stretching kind of pains on and off. Have a big glass of water to fill your badder, chill out somewhere for a while and try the doppler again, chances are little one is just hiding from you. I had my 16 week check up today, I usually manage to find the HB easily myself but my midwife struggled today (possibly coz I was giggling too much!!) she got it eventually though! Let me know how you get on x
Awww hon, I hope you're ok and not panicking yourself. It is scary when you can't find HB but they are crafty lil buggars and can hide! I personally wouldn't be concerned by the CM as it doesn't sound like new or old blood. Just a change in colour. Maybe go to the docs to see if you have a UTI like Kra mentioned. xxx
Is the streching feeling round ligamont pain (or whatever you call it)
I had I've of those days yesterday with pain & darker cm than usual so got Doppler out this time took ages and has moved back low down...I was in a panic!

I think now they have space to move they are harder to find xx
Panic over girls, I've found it!!!
And I think the colour on the tissue may have been fake tan :shock:
Still got the stretching but it's not pain it's an ache which I'm sure I remember from previous pregnancies.
Thanks girls xxx
Good! Fake tan...on your lady bits? Never thought of putting my fake bake down there!

:rotfl: xx
I think the colour on the tissue may have been fake tan :shock:

That's well funny!!!

Sunbeam - I'm nearly 21 weeks and sometimes can see baby move really low down. I can literally see my pubes moving :oooo: I don't understand either because my bump is waaaay up top. Weird! Or maybe just baby's hands or feet and the rest of the body is the bump. Anyway just wanted to let you know it freaks me out too.

glad you found it Cos but have to laugh at the fake tan lol xx
I used to use sunbeds and got my foof burnt countless times :( its nearly as painful as getting my nipples burnt, so fake foof tan is a better idea lol xxxx

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