I've started getting baby things too!

As a rule, I get most stuff (including my clothes and furniture) used. It's kind of an "ethical" choice: it's a way of recycling and it's because I don't like materialism/capitalism etc (I won't go into that debate here though!). I bought my pram/cot etc second hand with my first 2 children too (well, bought for one and used for the next).

My brother brought round my nephew's pram the other night. My nephew's starting school this year! but the pram is still in lovely condition as it was packed away in their attic. As my nephew was also an Autumn baby, it's perfect for my baby, due in November - it's charcoal, with big sturdy wheels - a proper "walking" pram. The carrycot comes off and it converts into a pushchair. It also comes with a car seat, so I have the complete travel system, for free! although I also saw a lovely Mamas and Papas one for only £30 (including car seat) at a car boot sale at the weekend...

Yep, I've started buying stuff from car boot sales too. I got a huge box of beautiful baby clothes (0-3 months) for £3 on Sunday and I also got a big bag of babygros and vests from my cousin. Today, I have a washing line full of white vests and sleepsuits! :dance: I know, I'll probably have to wash them again, nearer the time - but it's exciting, eh? I don't need any more clothes for the first 3 months at least.

It's like expecting my first baby all over again, it's been so long since I last had a baby :D

it's great to hear of all you other girls buying things too.

oooh, i'm just soooooo excited........ :dance:
That's quite inspirational! Not just to do your bit, but to save your own purse too! And as you have shown, you don't have to spend a small fortune to feel the thrill of a baby on the way - you're just as excited getting new clothes and equipment having spent next to nothing!

Might just pop along to the local car boot sale on Sunday morning!

Happy shopping/aquiring! :)
Thats excellent Wendy, Ive bought loads of second hand stuff, im a moderator on Freecycle Brighton too so manage to get some great stuff!!
Hi Midna,

Nice to see you back. I've been quite depressed, really. I split with my partner, and of course we're still in touch because of the baby, so we're still arguing a lot. I find it so stressful. I don't want to be on my own, but I can't live with the stress of being with him either. I'm trying to keep it together, though. Well, you have to when you're a single parent - you have no choice! :D

How are you feeling nowadays?

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