I've sold my house!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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:cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:

I've accepted an offer for it this afternoon. Going to go into panic mode now until exchange :lol: . I can get out of this tiny 2 bed that's in a rough area and we can get something big with 4 bedrooms by the seaside or in a village. I was beginning to worry we would never sell it. AND we got more than we thought we were going to get :dance: . Keep your fingers crossed for me that it doesn't all go tits up :pray: .
Awwww... I am so chuffed for you hun as I know you have been wanting to move out of there for ages :hug:
Wow thats great news :cheer: Especially in these circumstances you are so lucky to sell! You should be able to get a great deal on a new house too, wahoo!xx
ReggiesMummy said:
Wow thats great news :cheer: Especially in these circumstances you are so lucky to sell! You should be able to get a great deal on a new house too, wahoo!xx

That's what I'm hoping. We are going to rent for 6 months near to my DH work then keep on the look out for something. We would never have been able to afford a 4 bed this time last year. We're in a very lucky situation that we can afford it now, this time last year DH got made redundant and I was pregnant so I certainly don't take anything for granted anymore.
aramintalovegrove said:
Congrats, didnt you have crappy nieghbours too? :dance: :dance:

Yeah, they weren't terrible and we talk to them but could have been better. Had an annoying habit of getting drunk, having parties in there garden and swearing loudly in the summer :roll: . OK when it was just me and DH but don't really want a small child listening to their foul language :talkhand: .
Thats great! I'll keep my fingers crossed that it all goes well.
nice one! renting for 6 months will definately be the best financially too.

Hope you leave your neighbours a nice pressie, tell connie to push hard! :rotfl:
How exciting! The way the house priced are just now - buy a castle!!

Kim x x x x

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