Ive moved over....


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2010
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Well quite a few of us from TTC have now got our :bfp:!!! :dance:

and im one of them.. :lol: im still in shock as i didnt expect to be here just yet.. this was my 1st cycle TTC, i feel soo lucky that it has happened stright away!

Cant wait for our little girl to come home from school and tell her that she is going to have a little brother or sister... (Fx)

IM PREGNANT!!!! hehehe xx

Hi Kelly,

I was reading and you and I had more or less the same symptoms, odd ones too like blood up the nose LOL! And now we're due one day apart - eeeeek!

I'm scared, when will it sink in? x
i have no idea hun!!! im in total shock... even though i know we was trying! just it happened soo quick! do you still have some symptons! xx
No more symptoms, quite tired and initially a bit queasy in the morning. Just praying that everything will be ok, will feel better when I ring docs, speak to midwife, have scan etc Ahhhhhh!

Shauna - this is crazy x
i have no more symptoms either.. apart from sore boobs still and i have had them since i ovulated! im at docs tomorrow! what will they do or say?
...? Dunno... Shauna?

LOL, I'm useless! I assume test you again, and then refer you to midwife?

dont worry if you get no more symptoms or they go either. I had NONE atall from 4 week! xxx
well i never went doctors i went straight to the midwife. But yeah if you go doctors they will refer you :) xxx
And me and me!! I'm a day apart too. I like the vegetable ticker but it doesnt seem to be right at all! It says i'm 3 weeks but i only ovulated 2 weeks ago, so that makes no sense! Oh well. It's fab that we've all come over together. I was a bit nervous about a whole new bonded community but it's the same :)
Mine is the same Starfish - I OV'd 2 weeks and 1 day ago but apparently am now 4 weeks! I'm sure it all makes sense in the medical world! x
Thay apparently go from the first day of your last period, as alot of women dont actually no the day they concieved as it all different! so it just makes it easier... so really we are all roughly 2 weeks pregnant but they go from 1st of period... if that makes sense!!
Hey me to, me to!! :yay:
I am the same, I OV'd on/around the 27th and apparently that was the day I also conceived!
I also had some champagne that day too! :eh: So that would make me... 11 days pergnant!

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