I've lost me boobs!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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I was really convinced in the end that Eleanor was gonna be a boy, my pregnancy was different to my other 2 girls, but also i put on 2 stone with both of them and my boobs got massive after the birth. With Eleanor i only put on a stone and my boobs shrunk. I weighed myself yesterday and i now weigh 1lb lighter than before i was pregnant!! And my boobs have gone down a cup!! I'm gutted about my jugs i was proud of them!! :rotfl:
claire81 said:
I'm gutted about my jugs i was proud of them!! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

That doesn't give me much hope then. I have always been on the small side but since being pregnant I have already gone up 3 bra sizes which i am chuffed to bits about. Ooooh I want my boobies to stay big :( :(
Don't get me started on my boobs. I was only a B cup anyway ( C cup when breast feeding) and although I'm still wearing a B cup they certainly don't fill the bra out as much as they used to and without my bra on they arn't exactly pert anymore :(
I have actually considered having breast enlargements but am not sure if there is much point until I have had another baby as we want 2 children.
I wouldn't change my baby boy for the world but to be honest I didn't realise what an affect pregnancy would have on my body.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Don't worry vickyleigh i'm sure your boobies will stay big, mine did with my 2 eldest but they shrunk throughout the regnancy with LO :hug:
my boobs have shrung
i went up to an E and now i only just fill out my D bras
im not complaining though :lol:
(Gemma + Jake) :hug: :hug: Believe me the first thing i thought was oh no i need a boob job but i went and got measured at Bravisimo and they told me which "flattering" bras to wear and it does make u look bigger.

I didn't realise how common it actually is to lose your boobs whilst pregnant. :think:
Hey ladies you can have some of mine if you like. Mine are 36DD and I'm not even PG :rotfl:
Mine are still big compared to before pregnancy but I'm dreading stopping breast feeding as I know they are gonna go back to being flip flops again :cry:
Charlotte & Emily said:
my boobs have shrung
i went up to an E and now i only just fill out my D bras
im not complaining though :lol:

You little Jordan you!!! :wink:

Mine have gone up to an E during this pregnancy and are still growing :shock: I'm only small I look ridiculous!!!

I didn't know boobs shrank after pregnancy? Like with my first, I went from a B cup pre pregnancy to a C cup after. And then they grew to a D cup, and now I'm pregnant I've gone all the way up to an E!!!
I had an amazing body before having kids, now I have spaniels ears for boobs, by bum seems to carry on up my back, my stomach resembles a deflated cream puff at the best of times, I have bingo arms on my thighs, and im covered in stretch marks :rotfl:

But you know what? Im all woman, my kids love me, my OH loves me, and as long as my stomach is covered and Im wearing my chicken fillets I still look ok sometimes :lol:

We're REAL women we are, embrace it, enjoy it, and take pride in it! :clap: :clap: :clap:
glitzyglamgirl said:
I had an amazing body before having kids, now I have spaniels ears for boobs, by bum seems to carry on up my back, my stomach resembles a deflated cream puff at the best of times, I have bingo arms on my thighs, and im covered in stretch marks :rotfl:

But you know what? Im all woman, my kids love me, my OH loves me, and as long as my stomach is covered and Im wearing my chicken fillets I still look ok sometimes :lol:

We're REAL women we are, embrace it, enjoy it, and take pride in it! :clap: :clap: :clap:

:clap: :clap:
That really cheered me up-you are so right!
You can all have some of mine....theres more than enough to go round..with plenty left over!! :D

Your not alonemine shrunk loads after having Kiara its like they deflated, thank goodness for bras to make them look nicer :)
:pray: they dont shrink after this one!
glitzyglamgirl said:
I had an amazing body before having kids, now I have spaniels ears for boobs, by bum seems to carry on up my back, my stomach resembles a deflated cream puff at the best of times, I have bingo arms on my thighs, and im covered in stretch marks :rotfl:

But you know what? Im all woman, my kids love me, my OH loves me, and as long as my stomach is covered and Im wearing my chicken fillets I still look ok sometimes :lol:

We're REAL women we are, embrace it, enjoy it, and take pride in it! :clap: :clap: :clap:

Jax you always know just what to say :hug: :hug:

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