Ive just gone abit mad in babies r us!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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We took Adam to toys r us to spend his birthday money and i ended up looking in babies r us, but instead of just looking i bought! We got her bedding set, moses basket with stand, changing mat, cot tidy, wall hangings, mobile, bath robes and even got her some toys. I decided to pick the sweetie pie range its so cute :) we just need to wait for the border to come back into stock x x

He he woo for going mad! Can't wait to find out what flavour I have so I can go mad!
I love all the cute things we bought but storing them is going to be a pain as her room hasnt been built yet, i just couldnt resist though! x x

Lol! Good for you M2A! Hope you had a nice time away xx
I love that range! X

I really liked it but wasnt 100% sure but once i seen it in the shop, i had to buy :)
I seen your bump pic you posted on fb Jenny and i wanted to comment to say i think your bump looks like a boy bump, its such a neat bump :) x x

Been wondering where you had got to!
I see you've been on hols.
Sounds like you got some gorgeous things Hun xx
thats fab!! i love going on a mad one!!! cant wait for next 2 weeks to pass so i can have a blow out too!!

I wouldn't feel too bad chick. You need to get the stuff sooner or later anyway! At least you got most of the bits and pieces you wanted, thats what i'm planning to do - pick up as and when I see things!


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