I've got a little bird *TMI*


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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..called thrush :( only this one doesn't chirp i'm itchy and swollen and i feel that i can 'smell' myself :oops: i've scrubbed myself raw and i feel very sorry for myself, off to the docs tomoz for some canestan...hmmm btw would this have anything to do with my 2yr old coming down with 'the pox' yesterday..sorry if thats a stoopid question
Probably nothing to do with it but scrubbing yourself clean could be making things worse, I've had antibiotics this week which always gives me thrush. I think its something to do with all the good bacteria being killed off (along with the bad) by washing too much your probably doing something similar, hope the Dr can sort you out, in the meantime although its really horrible try not to use anything except plain water to wash with if you can bear it x
at the moment i feel like i've got a pound of sausages in my knicks :?
Oh my word that made me crack up!! Both your posts in this thread!! How funny are you?! :rotfl:

Anyway... I've heard scrubbing can make things worse hun :hug: Oh and the yoghurt thing apparently works a treat! It soothes it (when its cold).

I've never had thrush but have heard it's nasty :( Hope you feel better soon xx

I'm a sufferer of thrush so can give you a few pointers which may help you. They suggest a warm bath with nothing else in but perhaps a little salt. Do not wash down below with stuff like soap, I know that probably doesnt sound great but soap actually irriates down there and can help bring on tweet tweet. After bathing, washing, make sure you dry yourself properly down there. Apparantly natural yoghurt is supposed to be really good for tweet tweet although I've never tried that as I really do not like the idea and I don't think i'd be able to face the yoghurt isle ever again or use natural yoghurt in food or anything else in the future. That would be like munching on a condom ewwww. I know i'm weired.

ummm try not to wear clothes that are too tight and stop little miss fanny from breathing properly as this can also upset the poor lady. Try and refrain from scratching although I know this can be really difficult when lil miss fanny is upset with tweet tweet and in future always keep a tube of canasten to hand. Hope you feel better soon.
i know how you feel i thought i had escaped it this time! but i have just got it in the final week!!!! im soooo mad, docs is closed til tomorrow but im hoping i can get an appointment for a prescription because i want rid of it before thursday as im booked in for a sweep and if i still have thrush i wont be able to have it :( also ive read that you can pass it on to baby as they are born!
trust me to get it now!!!! :wall:
I had it (think i've still got it actually), but I bought the throush cream over the counter.
Didn't have to see my GP. When I was in hospital at 28 weeks, the midwife inserted a
thrush treatment in the form of a capsule inside me like a tampax (SORRY TMI)!!! Do you have
to see a GP for the internal stuff?
It cleared up but I think it's rearing it's ugly head again. I am terrible for hot showers and loads
of perfumed products :oops: xx
I can definitely testify for how how much natural yoghurt helps! It's nice and cooling straight from the fridge and really helps with the itching.

And :shhh: if your OH is a bit open-minded and wants to help out you can make the application a whole lot more fun and soothing with some yoghurt sex :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

(It was recommended to me by a doctor, honest!)
lol taika, im having visions of you popping into your drs and him saying * well the only thing i can recommend is some nice yogurt sex really * :rotfl: :rotfl: On the other hand i was desperate enough to go out and buy that cannesten duo on sat cus i couldnt get to doctors for an app and £13 bloody quid !! Jesuss seems like im never going to get the opportunity to use my maternity exemption card !!

Think i might have to go with your yogurty suggestion my pants r still on fire, dnt know how iv managed it, not had a hot shower or wore tight anything for agesss and i thought that was how it started ?? :shakehead: Cant bleeding win !! :oops:

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