I've decided to go for a Home Birth after all


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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Having read through some of your posts on having a home birth and your reasons (and after having a beautiful dream where DH delivered our baby girl at home and cut the cord - it was so perfect :) ) we have decided to opt for a Homebirth :)

Plus the chances of me getting the grumpy midwife are slim.

When I did mention a Homebirth at my 1st appointment though I was steered straight to the maternity Unit - does that mean I can't have one or just that they would rather I didn't? Have your widwives been supportive?

I just want it to be me and DH (and possibly a pool) for as long as possible with the midwives only in the background.
Firstly, good on ya :) I'm opting for a home birth also since moving, so am happy to read others are also looking to do the same. Hopefully we can support each other as the weeks move on :) I've done lots of reading and research anyways.

You have the right to a home birth. They cannot refuse you. Maybe your MW is not a homebirth specialist (my previous one was not and only delivered in a MW led unit) but my new one only does homebirths. Otherwise its off to the main hospital and she plays no part in it.

I'd mention it to her again and ask her who you need to see regarding a homebirth. There are community MW's for homebirthing. My MW suggested I stay registered at my hospital also in case of needing to go in early/late or whatever, that way they will have all my records and I'll know the unit as will go visit it to be familiar with it all.

Drop me a PM and I'll be happy to explain the things I've found out regarding the role the MW can and will play. My MW is keen to be as hands off as possible, and will only help if its needed or I ask. Which works for me.

nice one hun!! Im with the homebirth crew too.

For me it just seems the right thing to do, I'll only be going to hospital if my birth should require medical assistance - otherwise it'll be as natural as poss. I can do it I know I can!!! :cheer: :cheer: Id much rather be swinging off my own furniture than a hospital bed anyday :lol: Im hoping to have a pool too and failing that I'll be parked in the bath, just hoping the next few weeks go smoothly so I can have the birth I would like.

As Sherlock says regarding the midwife, ask who you need to see to have a homebirth. No matter where you live you are entitled to one. I was very lucky when I mentioned homebirth to my midwife, I held my breath expecting her to say hmmm no way! and infact she said yes thats great we do loads of homebirths and the little town I live in has the second highest rate of homebirths in the County (Kent)

I cant wait. Hope everything goes well for us! :cheer: :cheer:

nice 1 hunni

im with tilly and the homebirth crew :cheer:

at the end of the day i think it will be a much more relaxed experience for me , oh and the baby and if we do need to go to hosp its only 5 mins away 8)

im ordering my pool the wk end :dance: i cant wait and if it doesnt work out then bump has a nice new paddling pool lol
I'm part of the home-birth crew too!
I want as little interference as possible (as long as things go ok).
My midife was so excited when i told her, she's a big advocate for home births and so i'm lucky that way!

I'm also looking at a pool - the pool in a bag thing - as i find water relaxing!

But yay for you!
YAY for the home birth crew!!! :dance: :dance: Hopefully this will mean we are all popping babies out at home during tri3, everyone who has had babies recently has done so in hospital.

I had my second at home and it really was the best thing I did, I am actually looking forward to this birth as I will be at home again!!!
Thanks :cheer:

I am really looking forward to my birth now too - I was dreading it before. They threatened me with the forceps last time as that's the answer to all births that aren't to their strict timescale

I couldn't have a homebirth last time even if I had planned one due to a prem birth and an induction but I am :pray: that I will get my homebirth this time. My DH is really supportive too :)
Good for you! According to everything I've read on the subject there are fewer complications with home births because the mother is so much more relaxed in her own surroundings.

Would love a home birth myself but because of previous complications I feel safer in hospital. I'd rather not be there...
I think personal choice is the important thing. If its what you are happy with then go for it. My hubby was hesitant in the beginning, but having read all the info he is more relaxed about it now. He is also coming to my 28 week MW appointment to meet her and ask his own questions and get to know her. I feel its important and if we are going to birth at home, I want him to feel comfortable about it.

I can understand that some women want to give birth in hospital. Others have no real choice and have to be there for medical reasons. But for those who can opt for home and whose pregnancies have gone ok, then why not if its what they want :) I feel confident that being at home will be more relaxing and as something like an epidural was never really on my list of wants during birth (yes I may live to regret it, but I've done my reading and am happy its an informed choice) I don't mind not being able to have it.

I also like that my MW has explained it will all happen in its own time. She won't intervene unless she has to. And baby will get here in his/her own time. No being speeded up with drugs. OK, if things are not going well and it really is taking too long and baby is getting distressed I am prepared to transfer, but MW has assured me that they usually pick up those sort of signs in plenty of time to make the call.

All in all I've read some good, some bad and some truly scary reports on birthing in hospital. I've yet to read a really bad or scary homebirth report. Sure, women have pain, some wish for more relief, problems occur but most make it through ok (this is not including transfers to hospital btw). Most of what I have read has been positive and makes me feel more confident in myself and my body.

Bottom line is I'll feel happier here than in hospital. I want to try the more natural approach over the possible medical experience it may well become in hospital.
i want a home birth, but partner says no :( im due on the 13th may, and on the 11th there is a football game he wants to go too, normally id say no, but this time im encouraging it and hope baby comes that day so i can have my home birth :D

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