ive bought a bright ink pram, and i have no idea what i'm having yet!!! ooops!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2011
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yep, saw the pram, loved it....
i am pretty sure we are having a girl....

bought the pram anyway and just thought that if it turns out the sexing scan in a month says team blue then i will sell the pram on....maybe!!!

but i do love this pram....

would it traumatise a boy baby to be in a pink pram?

it matches my hair perfectly!!!....

:O !! Can we see pics?! xx baby wont know what colour the prma is lol :) And if it matches your hair it'll be fine!! :D x
awww dnt put a wee boy in a pink pram hahahaha im a pink lover but even i wouldnt do that lol hope its a girl xx
:rofl: Well if it matches your hair ;)

If you really really love it you could put it away for the next one, but I don't think he will ever forgive you if he finds out you had him in a pink pram :lol: xx
lol... People will be stopping at the street saying what a cute lil girl you have! And then you'll need to explain them that it's actually a boy :)
lol... People will be stopping at the street saying what a cute lil girl you have! And then you'll need to explain them that it's actually a boy :)

hee hee never thought of that!!!
lol... People will be stopping at the street saying what a cute lil girl you have! And then you'll need to explain them that it's actually a boy :)

hee hee never thought of that!!!

Not true! I have a bright pink pram and frequently put LO in bright pink clothes and people still ask if shes a boy :wall:
Lol, I debated ordering my bright pink pram just incase my sexing scan was wrong, i ordered it in the end but I dont think i could of done what you have hunny. Fingers crossed your having a little girl x x
the daft thing is i actually would love a boy!!! (obviously i dont mind either way, but if i could choose it would be be a boy!!
will try and do picture (not very technical!)
Can't wait to see it :yay:

Mel I had the same when Odhrán was younger, dressed top to toe in blue, blue blanket and blue dummy! "What a lovely little girl".. Maybe they're colour blind :lol:
lol! you must be mad! Hope you get a girl now! My hubby wouldn't go near the pram if was bright pink, boy or girl!! (to be honest pink dont do for me either lol!)
U have made me smile what a lovely happy attitude to the pram etc lol :)

picture... sorry, i am rubbish with technology!!! xxx
That looks lush! :love: - If you have a boy you could always keep it for number 2 :lol: xx

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