I've been thinking and...


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2008
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I've made a decision.

After much thought and after a few responses of PF and long talks with many people including family and health professionals, I've decided to take a break from TTC.
I just feel that now is not the right time for me. I feel I need to deal with my panic attacks, depression and anxiety. I would want to be the best mother I can and I feel that to do that I have to be 100% back to myself. Also I live in a one-bedroom cottage flat and there just isn't enough space. I am disappointed that I have had to make this decision but I have plenty of time to start a family. :)
So I took my first pill tonight.

I will not be deleting my account from here but obviously I won't be coming on as often. I've made some wonderful friends on the PF and hope to keep in contact with you all. If you want my msn/email address then PM me.

Since I have no need for it any more, I have just under 3 months of a FF subscription to spare. If anybody wants it, let me know and I'll PM you all the details you need!

Thanks everyone for all your wonderful support,

Hi Shaunie Louise, I don't think we haved chatted but just wanted to give you a hug :hug: :hug: Don't know what else to say but good luck for the future and hope you get all you want x x
What an impressive demonstration of awsome mother to be(ness). Shaunie, I didn't realsie you were feeling generally so low. All I have to say is that based on my dealings with you on here, you are cut out to be a great Mum one day and this selfless decision to leave it until you feel you can be the best Mum you can be is anothe example of a perfect Mum in the making.

Best wishes and hope to see you back soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
You are really mature for your age and you will be a fab mummy one day.
I think you're making the right decision, I have PND and looking after a baby whilst battling depression has been a nightmare and I ended up in a psychiatric mother and baby unit for 3 weeks. I definately wouldn't have ttc if I had felt like that before I got pregnant.
I hope you recover from the depression and panic attacks very soon and can get back to ttc :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi darling. I am really sorry about your depression and anxiety issues, I suffer from anxiety too so i know how hard it can be :hug:
It's a shame you have decided to leave the TTC world for a while but you seem to have given it a good thought and i am sure you are taking the right decision. You're right, you are too young and have plenty of time to enjoy your life with your hubby as a couple and not worry about temps, charting, bding in the right time and all that malarky! i've been married for 7 years and even though my biological clock starting ticking 3 years ago, hubby and i waited until both of us felt ready to start this big adventure and we made sure to have lots of fun and do all the things we wouldn't be able to do once we get stuck with a little one :D
I do agree with Becs that you are a really strong and mature woman and you would definitely make a fantastic mum.
Take care of yourself and keep in touch! :hug:
i'm sure you have thoght about this and made the best chosice for you i;ve pm d you xx
I agree with everyone else you are mature and will make a fab mum. I will miss you on here but I totally understand your reasons. Take care of yourself and good luck for the future. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

**ETA Sent you a pm :) **
i just wanna echo what the others said. i shall miss u tho :(

hope to see u back soon! good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
going to miss you a lot lovely :( keep it touch!
I'll really miss you - just as I move into chartstalkers you move out :(

you're being so responsible though getting yourself totally sorted before having a baby though. I hope we see you back very soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Shaunie :hug: Again nothing more I can say as I agree with everyone else, think you've made a sound plan and I know everything will work out wonderfully for you. Do try to pop back every now and then to say hi, take care hun xxxxxxxxx :hug:
Really gonna miss you on here, girl. :hug: I think it's an amazingly sensible decision that you're making and it just shows how much more mature you are than most women your age. You're going to be a fantastic mother when you're ready, and I definitely look forward to seeing you back here. :hug: :hug: :hug: xMel
as everyone else has already said shaunie it is a very mature decision you have made. I totally understand about the space side of things- me and dh live in a 1 bed flat and it is the 1 thing that keeps niggling at us to whether we are doing the right thing- but we have been married 4 yrs now and feel other than that the time is right. good luck and make sure u pop in 2 see us all!! u will be missed!
good luck with ur medical issues and hope to see u on here in the future - although obv i would rather not be in ttc for much longer!!
lots of love
:hug: xxxx
Totally understand your reasons Shaunie, hope you're feeling better soon.

You'll be missed, take care and hopefully see you soon xx
Awww sweetie - we'll all miss you, but it sounds like a good decision - really proud of you :hug:
I think making such a responsible and sensible descision proves what a good mother you are going to be someday. All the best, make sure you pop on here now and then :D :hug:

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