Its working!


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2013
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Omgosh im such a proud mummy today. Last night after months of 7+ dummy runs a night, we succeeded with controlled crying.

He played for about 40 mins, started crying then for around 30 mins, went in every 10 mins for about 30 seconds or so. patted and shhh him.

he woke up around 11pm, for his dummy, did the same, 30 mins later he fell asleep. Woke at 3 am, bottle and went straight to sleep =) up at 6 yay!

now doing nap times! again played for around 30 mins, took about 15 mins or crying then fell asleep!

is it normal for baby to roll around playing for ages? before falling asleep? or will he eventually just realise, nap time/bed time.. sleep? guess that's the dummy gone!

My daughter has always played in her cot for a while before going to sleep unless I tired her out so much she collapses lol. Perfectly normal hun x
I tried controlled crying again, complete hysterical meltdown which then takes hours to calm down from. How long do you leave them crying like that? Oscar pretty much hits hysteria straight away.
Yay, well done on the dummy part and Yep they don't ever stop the playing part. My lo was up playing at nap time the other day, went in 5 mins later and this is how she had fallen asleep - wee chicken!

Mack mummy it's so hard. S will go hysterical too quite quick sometimes. I know if it's a continuous scream we have gone too far and she's shattered so a quick cuddle sends her off. If you find he stops for a bit then starts again I would continue with the 10 min thing. You know your own baby and his cry so go with your gut x x
I tried controlled crying again, complete hysterical meltdown which then takes hours to calm down from. How long do you leave them crying like that? Oscar pretty much hits hysteria straight away.

Ive got the be honest, I also tried at 4 months, then at 6 months, both times I decided he just wasn't ready yet. Now at 7 months he understands more, and it wasn't too bad.

at 6 months when I tried it, I lasted 20 mins, he cried so much he made himself sick. I decided to try again in a months time, and it worked.

I had the dummy/sleep problem from about Oscars age till now, you may need to ride it out till hes ready.

I never let chase cry stupidly histerically for more than 5 mins without knowing I was there, so I pretty much went in every 10 mins, patted him for a little bit, then left. I followed more of JO FROSTS way, google it =)

I had to do CC. Again, it didn't work until a certain age... about 9 months I think, argh! I was in the depths of my PND and my HV urged me to do CC. The little tinker would stand up in his cot and I was told to just lie him down again, even if this was every two seconds. Urgh, it was so hard, but after about a week or less nap times and bedtimes were just incredible. He's now 2 and is (currently) fantastic. We only have problems when he is ill now. We haven't had to CC since he was 9 months old. Plus with him being older it's easier to talk to him about things to help him sleep when he has trouble.

So, huge congratulations! It really does feel like a massive weight off when sleep finally gets sorted once and for all :-)

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