Hey ladies,
I'm quite new here, it's my first month off the pill and trying for baby number 2
It's testing day tomorrow, and im so nervous. I'm worried that it may be too early, as I don't know my proper cycle yet.
Since Thursday I had strange cm, started off a bit pink/brown, then on Friday and Saturday it was dark brown like old blood. It was only a small amount. Had nothing since except lots of creamy cm, loads more than usual.
I'm due to come on tomorrow, if my cycle is 28 days. Ive been reading about implantation bleeding and from what ive read it matches up to exactly what I had, even the days were correct as it says 8-9 days after ov.
I'm trying not to get carried away though as it's such a deflation when you get your hopes up only to see a negative test result. But I'm so excited!!! Can't help it!
I've got a tesco test in the cupboard ready for tomorrow morning eeeeek!! My bf says to wait til sunday to give it an extra few days to show up, but I doubt il be able to wait that long!! Plus I'm going to see a consultant tomorrow about an operation... So could do with finding out if I am preg so I can tell her, don't think you can have a general anaesthetic if your preg (although correct me if I'm wrong). So I may have to wait for the op.
Has anyone else had the strange cm a week before your period?
I've been quite ligtheaded too but dont to start noting symptoms as il drive myself mad!
Sorry to ramble ladies, just very excited and love hearing other opinions x
I'm quite new here, it's my first month off the pill and trying for baby number 2
It's testing day tomorrow, and im so nervous. I'm worried that it may be too early, as I don't know my proper cycle yet.
Since Thursday I had strange cm, started off a bit pink/brown, then on Friday and Saturday it was dark brown like old blood. It was only a small amount. Had nothing since except lots of creamy cm, loads more than usual.
I'm due to come on tomorrow, if my cycle is 28 days. Ive been reading about implantation bleeding and from what ive read it matches up to exactly what I had, even the days were correct as it says 8-9 days after ov.
I'm trying not to get carried away though as it's such a deflation when you get your hopes up only to see a negative test result. But I'm so excited!!! Can't help it!
I've got a tesco test in the cupboard ready for tomorrow morning eeeeek!! My bf says to wait til sunday to give it an extra few days to show up, but I doubt il be able to wait that long!! Plus I'm going to see a consultant tomorrow about an operation... So could do with finding out if I am preg so I can tell her, don't think you can have a general anaesthetic if your preg (although correct me if I'm wrong). So I may have to wait for the op.
Has anyone else had the strange cm a week before your period?
I've been quite ligtheaded too but dont to start noting symptoms as il drive myself mad!
Sorry to ramble ladies, just very excited and love hearing other opinions x