It's such a joke...


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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...currently sitting in my room crying my eyes out because of family.

So I had my consultants appointment today and as usual no one knew why I was there...if they had read my notes it was about the baby being breach. Anyway we met the consultant who said the baby couldn't be turned but that in her country they deliver baby this way all the time-nice for her. So they are not bringing my section dye forward and have sai that If I go into labour naturally, and baby hasn't turned then they will decide how to deliver me. Hubby, like me was annoyed with the lack of communications and information we have been given over the weeks. So he asks the consultant a question and then decides to listen to her while strin at his thumbs and picking at fing rude. So on our way home isaid how rude he was and he was like, well at least I didn't sit here smiling blah blah blah.

Then I call my mum to tell her how the consultants visit went and then said (with hubbu sat accross from me) due to politic it would be best that you just came over with dad togeher I.e my husbands thinks it's unfair that you should want to be wih your daughter after major surgery to help her clean an why not because it's not fair on HIS mum. I said well if you fly over on the Friday then my birthday is on the Indy and the other in laws can see me sat...that's all o got out before my mum became short with me and sai she would needyo discuss it with my dad.

I then loose my appetite an leve my dinner and go to our room. Hubby storms in saying "are we going to talk about his" "your politics phrase" to which I said it was my mums phrase an he was all like "well it not politics" . Well buddy yes it is, it's calle family politics and you have shoved me right in the ding middle. Anyway he jsut threw the phone on the bed and told me to call my mum and tell her to book her flights. Yeah he can go do one....maybe he will be lucky and I won't come out of surgery.

I am so upset and angry right now. Why do I have to Be stuck in the middle!!

Excuse any spellig errors, but on iPhone and typing fast...iPhone likes to make up words, or miss letters out!
Oh hun families are a bloody nightmare at times, Im sending a big (((((hug))))
Oh no that's terrible. Men can be so rude and annoying when they dong even realise it! I don't know what to suggest but the two of you do need to talk but maybe when you've both calmed down. Good luck and just remember you are having a baby and you need to look after yourself - try not to get too upset.
I'd put my foot down and do what YOU want to do. It is your body and your trauma that you will be going through - if you want your mum there with you then have her!! Sod HIS mum!!!! Your husband is being very selfish and thoughtless in all this - he should be doing all he can to make sure you feel prepared, comfortable and supported. If he won't do it, then I'm afraid you'll have to do it yourself - it is not an unreasonable request for a girl to want her mummy with her for the birth!! Good luck hun xx
all sorted now, my hubby called my mum back and told her there had been some crossed wires and that she should come over assoon as she can. Made himself look really good, Whig was a little annoying as I was thinking you Jammy git! That being said I'm glad he spoke to my mum and cleared the air. Though he still thinks we need to explain it to his mum, to which I countered that his mum didn't even need to know she was in the country...why cause a problem if he thinks one may be caused.

Anyway thanks for the support, much calmer today!x

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