Its really happened!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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I felt the baby move! :dance: First night in the new house lying in our new bed (v v v v comfy!) after a hectic day and I felt like a pulse or something in my lower abdomen. I said to OH I think I might be feeling baby moving but put it down to wind :roll:

So today after OH went off to work I flopped onto the bed and lay on my front and I could definately feel it, I wanted to run down the road and call him back! :lol:

In the words of my little sister .... there's really a baby in my tummy!
Cute! Its the most amazing feeling, wail til your belly starts moving around you will love it! xx
It is lovely, my first movements made me cry :) and then my first kick was also amazing....Now shes as active as ever and is currently having a good wriggle as i type lol

Wow how lovely!! I have a forward placenta and sometimes i think i may have felt movement but have never been sure. How wonderful! x
Hope my friend is 26 weeks pregnant and has a forward placenta and she gets her movement threw the night and says they are still strong :) so i sure you'll still get the kicks and movements hunni

Hope i dont have to wait till 26 weeks haha. when did hers start??x
iv just txt her haha, Said from around 22-23 weeks. She said its not always just if shes laid flat there sometimes stronger laid on her side :) And its her first hunni so on my understandin with your first all women feel there baby later on....xx
It is amazing!!! :D

My friend just looked at me dead i was like "Lola why you starin at me like that" she sed "i just find it incredible that there are two people sat in that chair " (meanin me and bubs) hahahah crazy lady.

Shes just found out shes 4 weeks pregnant and felt my baby kick today and cried for about an hour hahaha

I felt the baby move! :dance: First night in the new house lying in our new bed (v v v v comfy!) after a hectic day and I felt like a pulse or something in my lower abdomen. I said to OH I think I might be feeling baby moving but put it down to wind :roll:

So today after OH went off to work I flopped onto the bed and lay on my front and I could definately feel it, I wanted to run down the road and call him back! :lol:

In the words of my little sister .... there's really a baby in my tummy!

Hey hun wow :dance: great news on feeling baby move, how does it feel??? im not sure if ive felt it yet :eh:.
ive felt flutters and like popping sounds cant explain it.
Hoping my bubs will move soon im 17 weeks nearly. x
Thats great news!!! :dance:

I can't wait to feel my baby move but i dont really know what to look for anyway. :?

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