Did I imagine it....


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Or did my baby kick me last night?

I was lying in bed with OH. He was reading and I was just lying there thinking about stuff and all a sudden I felt like someone flicked me from the inside. It was quite low down on the right hand side of my bump (what there is of it).

I put my hand down there and pressed and it did it again, twice, I could feel it on my hand. Then it felt like bubbles were bursting inside of me. OH could feel it too.

So was that the first contact from the alien within or was it just wind????? :)
Sounds very much like the first kicks, I used to feel Damien most at that stage when I was lying quietly in bed, it's so amazing and exciting isn't it :D
I thought it might be but all the books say that it's probably too early for a first baby. I just didn't expect it to be so strong and so definite. It was a real bang....bang......

I did have a full bladder at the time so maybe that was pushing baby upwards a bit so I could feel it better.

Freaked me out at first - your body isn't your own any more is it!!!
I felt Damien by 15 weelks, and at 19 weeks you could see him wriggling and DF could feel it. It's not too early! xx
Thanks Sami. Because you want to feel something so much you often think you imagine it!

'Course you've done all this before - you're practically an expert!

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