Its hit me!

I was at the hospital this morning in the Maternity Assesment Suite to have bubs heartbeat monitored and I was accross the hall from a delivery room and lets just say it has not filled me with the best of thoughts....

I'm actually feeling really scared :think:

I have always been in the frame of mind that "what will be will be" and that whatever comes my way I will be able to deal with it. But god, After hearing that woman SCREAMING the way she was has really shook me up! Dont get me wrong, I've not been naive about it all and I know its going to be tough but its just hit me what is coming my way....
Not everyone screams honey and i think the best course of action is to think positive and not to listen to horror stories! I would reccommend to all preggers women to read Ina May guide to childbirth - i have had three good labours but this book has filled me with renewed knowledge that this one will be even more calm x
Dont worry Erin, some women make a ridiculous amount of noise a la One Born Every Minute - when I went from no pain at all because of my epidural to extreme pain from induction I hardly made a sound from the pain, to be honest it would have taken so much more energy to scream; the midwife commented on how quiet I was being - you will be fine :hug:
All you first time mums needn't be scared. If i am 100% honest, i don't think labour and delivery is that bad like. The last two i had with just a little bit gas and air. As for the ring of fire, well it does sting a bit but not enough to scream or pass out (IMO) It feels more like your going to poop yourself than pain, and it actually feels like your having a poop even tho your not (although some woman do.....which is also normal)

Lets face it ladies, having kids hurts, we all know it but i HONESTLY didn't think it was that bad, and beleive me, i am a whimp!! Child birth is a natural thing and our bolies were designed to do it and our pain thresholds made to deal with it. You will all be awesome at the time and you will all know it was worth it xx
I agree with toon - i loved my labours and it made me feel like a real women - its what we were created to do!
Yep I loved my labours too if it helps I moaned like a wear wolf during the contractions and was silent during the pushing lol!! So don't worry you will find the way to cope when your there and your body will just take over like something inside of you Its almost like your looking down at yourself like an out if body but still in your body ob experience time will go quick and natural instinks will take over and then when baby is in your arms you get such a rush of
love :) x x x
Omg im litterally not looking foward to the stinging down below when the head comes out :( im not bothered bout the contractions its the actual baby coming out at the time and i doooooo NOT want to be have to torn or nething like that down there cos id prob rip there head off who ever was doing it lol.
as for the screaming i hope i dont clear the ward i might be alright ull soon no the update of that eventually if it happens but i hope my minds more occupied on gas an air if i wana scream lol x
I have a planned c-section again as have had 2 emergency ones, so I dont have this to go thru and feel fine, however, Im sure once i get in there the fear will set in. I think its natural to have some fear xx
i was already terrified before reading this thread but now am dreading it am going for epidural anyway so doubt i will feel any pain apart from the contractions is that right?
To be honest it does sting - but i always found it was such a relief to get to that point that it really didn't hurt and you know the end is near and after a few more breaths you'll have your babe x
i was already terrified before reading this thread but now am dreading it am going for epidural anyway so doubt i will feel any pain apart from the contractions is that right?

I dont think you will feel the contractions either if your epidural is working properly. You wear one of those monitoring belts which measures your contractions so the midwifes know how far apart they are, and when its time to push, they sometimes let it wear off a bit so you can feel it, but if youre still numb they will tell you when to push by looking at the monitor.

Ria just gave birth with an epidural so when shes settled and online again she'll be able to tell us what it feels like :)
Fear not ladies. Like i said, its not that bad this having kids malarky. I don't want any more babies but i would love to go through labour and delivery again, Its great!! Best feeling ever! And this is coming from a pure soft shite xx

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