Its decision day for me tomorrow....


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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I have my consultant app tomorrow to see if im having a section or not. I actually think that a section is the best option for me after my last experience (which ended in emergency section). Im tad worried if i get a horrid one who ays no but also excited at the prospect of mabs getting a date.

Does anyone know if im likely to get a date tomorrow if they suggest a section?

I havent got a clue about the date thing sorry....But goodluck with making your decision and with the appt :hug:
if u say u want a section they will give u ur date tomorrow, i had bad labour, emergency section last time so at my last scan they booked me in and gave me the date, the will do it at 39 weeks.. x

All the best for tomorrow hon and with your decision. Just wanted to say that I had an emergency c/section first time after a very long back to back labour/ baby distress; also lost an awful lot of blood and had to take iron tablets afterwards but my 2nd child was born naturally and it went really well. I do know people who have had subsequent sections after such an experience too though so it is really down to how you feel.

All the best.
Good luck Katie!!

Looking forward to hearing the outcome! :hug: :cheer: xxx
Good luck hun!! I've got my consultant appointment next week to make my final decision and think I am sticking to going for a natural which I hope goes well! They should give you a date! How exciting :D
Well im back and im booked in for a section at 39+2 days :D Feels strange that i know the day. I am keeping an open mind though and if i start earlier i will try for a natural.
Just couldnt handle going almost 2 weeks over again to have the complictaions and emergency section again :( . I just have a feeling that would happen. Midwife tried to sway me by saying that i cant have a natural after this one if i choose a section now but consultant said it was my choice.

Baby is measuring on the small side but they say not to worry.

Thanks for your well wishes. :hug:
Wow! That's brilliant news! Just what you wanted :dance:

So, if you last that long, you'll know when you'll be celebrating your LOs birthday every year!! :cheer:

So pleased the outcome was what you wanted hun :hug: xx
Glad you got a date sorted :cheer:

Not long to go now, especially if LO starts earlier than that :)

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