Its all over!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hiya Ladies,

Not been on here for the last few days as we had our 3rd scan on Wednesday and they couldnt see anything, so they did the internal scan and the sac was empty, the nurse was really nice about it, but I had a feeling something wasnt right! She said the sac hadnt grown in the past 10 days since we last went, so they told me I have had what is called a "Missed Miscarriage", basically the embryo hasnt developed.

Me and hubbie were upset on Wednesday but we were just glad that there wasnt anything there (if you understand!).

So yesterday had to go to hospital and have a tablet and had to sit there for an hour or so and then came home, had a few cramps last night but no bleeding, so I have to go back tomorrow and have another tablet and stay there for upto 6 hours until everything is settled down!

So going to have a bit of a rest until my next period comes and then start TTC again and hope that the next time we are successful :)

Hubbie is going to pay for us to go and have a little break away somewhere over here or a cheap holiday abroad in the next month, so I am now keeping myself happy with that thought!.

Good luck with all your pregnancies and I will still keep my eye on how everyone is doing :hug:

Hopefully be back in 1st Tri very soon.


Kate xx
Im really sorry to hear that...

Keep your head up though - I know how you must be feeling, I miscarried last year & was distrought afterwards but i fell pregnant again with in about 2 & half months without trying so hopefully the same will happen for you.

Enjoy your break away


:hug: :hug:

Aww no, so sorryto hear about your loss,

its so hard.. You seem strong, and as positive as anyone could be..

please take care, and we'll def see you bk in here soon xxx :hug: :hug:

I had the same problem last year. A 6week sized egg sack at 11 weeks and nothing in it. Only I had a horrible experience because nobody explained it to me properly at the time and they left me waiting around for over an hour after my ultrasound when I thought I was getting an internal to confirm and instead they just took me into a room said I either had my dates wrong by 4 weeks (!! :evil: ) or I was having a miscarriage.
Now to a person who's the first in their generation of the family to get pregnant and has no real idea about the stages of pregnancy I was soooo distraught and confused because I couldn't understand how you could have a miscarriage if you didn't have a baby OR how you could have a 6week egg sack and no embryo :cry:
I was also furious that they didn't seem to believe me that there was no way I got it wrong by 4 weeks.
OOOhh it was the most horrible expereince. There's a topic on it here some where from the time.

It's such a good thing that they were nice and explained it all to you.

I ended up starting to m/c about 3 days later (as I had gone in for an emergency scan after seeing some blood) and it took about a week for the whole thing. I had the tablet induction ready for a D&C but I passed it whilst waiting and couldn't stay still on the operating table due to such extreme pain :( I was so releived when they finally put me to sleep :sleep:

Some 'catch' again quicker and some don't. It's been about 7months for us :)

Good luck.
Am so sorry to hear that Kate but you seem to be really strong and levelheaded about it all so massive massive hugs and hope to see you back here very very soon honey :hug: loadsa Love Sarah xxxxxxx
Really sorry for what has happened, lots of hugs for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and enjoy your holiday, you deserve it xx
I am sorry for your loss.
Hang in there. Your husband seems to be a great guy who is taking care of you nicely. Take it easy, and we will see you soon.

my blessing is with you.

so sorry hun hope your ok and just wanted to send lots of hugs :hug: :hug:

here if you want to chat :hug: :hug:
Awww i'm so sorry for your loss, i hope you have a nice break and take it easy :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh no :(

My heart really goes out to you, this happened to me on my last pregnancy and I felt very cheated as i really believed there was a baby in thre.

please don't give up hope, you seem somewhat positive and I know what you mean ie glad it wasn;t a baby.

If you need to chat feel free to pm me


poor u, have a good break and hoping for a healthy bfp soon xxx
So sorry to hear your news. Hope we see you back here very soon :hug: :hug:

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