
Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2007
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hi everyone, i posted my first topic on Thursday saying i 'thought' i was in labour..........well i was right.
My husband got home from work and we had tea. by then my pains were getting closer and closer, about 8 mins apart and my waters broke.
he phoned labour ward who said to give it a couple of hours.
he ran me a lovely bath and i got in but after about 5 mins he said it would be best to get to the hospital.
i got in the car and suddenly my contractions were every 2 mins.
got to the hospital in record time even though we seemed to catch every traffic light.
arrived in looooaaaads of pain and there was no wheelchair. i said i would walk to the ward by which time i was fully dilated............yes i know, my medal is in the post LOL
got on the bed and 7 mins later, our baby girl Maisy was born weighing in at 5lb 14 1/2 oz.
thanks to everyone who gave their support to me on thursday, it was really comforting to know you were all their x
Assoon as i work out how to, i will show you a pic
Aw Suzy - Maisy is gorgeous and what a fast labour - congratulations!

I'm going to move this thread to 'Announce Your New Arrival' where more people will see it - hope that's okay.

Congratulations again and more pics please!

Valentine xxx
Wow - congratulations, she is gorgeous!

what a fast labour too... where do I sign up for one of them?!
She couldnt get into the world quick enough could she?

Congratualtions though, shes lovely.
wow what a fast labour lol congratulations she gorgeous hunny! :cheer:
CONGRATULATIONS hun she's absolutely gorgeous
Ah congratulations, she is really sweet.

What a fab labour story :D :D
Wow i want one of them labours this time round please :pray:

Congrats and she is lovely :hug:

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