Its a girl =)


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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i had my scan the other week................and its a gguuuuuuuuuuuurl, i thoguht it wuld be a gurl so did my partner and sister...strange???? i had this strong a little more excited now about the pregnancy....still very nervous and apprehensive as i feel im too young, not ready etc...but the feelings are more positive than previously =) ......yeyyyy hope these feelings stay xx
Congratulations huni.

How old are you if you don't mind me asking?

Thought of any names? Xx
thank you =) 23 years of age.........i guess it culd be worse lol......... mmm not sure on names? any tips on how to choose?xx
Hi hun congratualtions on finding out your having a little girl. I had a feeling that i was having a little boy even from very early on. Im the same age as you, will be 24 in april, and i worried that i wouldnt be ready for a baby, but you get used to the idea xxx
awww thats lovely xxx a little pink bundle of joy x
Congratulations!! I seriously thought I was having a boy and found out it's a girl, strange! X
Congratulations! Everything will be fine, your not so young that you won't cope....we all have these anxieties, well I know I do and I'm 37, lol x
I am 23 and have been trying for 17 months now xx
aww congratulations!
congratulations on a little girl.
you will get used to the idea, I'm 23 next month,
was nervous of course but far more excited than anything now :) X
I was pregnanct at 24 with my first baby and all was perfect after I gokt over the surprise news!
Preganncy is such a journey at whatever age!, I am now 37 and here again for the last time.

Congrats on your little girl news , brilliant
thank you guys!!! lovely to have positive messages =) =) =) hopefully upwards and onwards!!! best start shopping but where to start................. :s not sure why i thought it was a girl...just a strong feeling but may have just been luckyxx
congrats! I was convinced I was having a girl first time round, and found the announcement at birth that it was a boy actually shocking and felt dazed. Second child I'd convinced myself it was a boy (mentally preparing!) although deep down thought girl, and it was. This time around I have absolutely no idea! I thought girl from the scan but keep dreaming I'm having a boy!
That's fantastic hunny!!!!
Glad to see ur much happier :D
A mini you will b lovely
Congrats.Im 20 hun, 21 xmas eve. I feel like this too even though it was planned...silly worrying for nothing xxx
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Congratulations hun, you will be fine. I was 20 when i fell pregnant with my LO, 21 when i had him and it was the best thing we ever did x x

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Congratulations on your pink bump!!!
I think I am having another girl not long till I find out :). X

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