Itchy Legs


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2011
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Hey Ladies,

I just wanted to see if any of you have suffered with really itchy legs? Especially at night. The past 2 weeks I have woke myself and my OH up in the middle of the night literally tearing my legs to shreds. I thought it was maybe from using an oldish razor to shave my legs but even after getting a new one they still itch like mad and Iend up with little white bumps. Particularly on the backs of my calves.
I've had this for weeks, I get on both my calves and around both sides of each knee. Drives me bonkers and try to ignore it for as long as possible but eventually give in!
Its driving me insane. I'm sat here now actually drawing blood its that itchy. My legs look awful enough as it is without nice scratch marks down them!
I've not experienced this.

But a workmate was telling me that during his daughters pregnancy she had a very itchy body, and the doctor said it was something to do with her blood flowing through her veins, and it is a pregnancy symptom, one of the more uncommon ones. She got antibiotics (I think) - sorry I cant remember more I wasn't really listening.

I have this too, not all the time thank god! Only seems to be every now and again when I get in bed.

Oh, the joys of funny pregnancy symptoms!

Is it just your legs or is it your arms and your legs? Cause I know if it's both it could be a sign of OC but not sure about just one :/ if your really bad, like drawing blood and everything... Normal itching is ok... There's a sticky thread on it in Tri 3... Obstetric Cholestatis (sp?) right at the top xx

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