Itching all got blood test tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2007
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I started itching on the back of my legs at 26 weeks.

I was checked for OC was I was admitted at 27 weeks and came back neagative.

For two weeks now, fronts of thighs and backs of arms have been itching a lot. And one hand mainly.

For a week my feminine bits have been itching. No cottage cheese, so can't be thrush :lol:

tried canesten and vagisil for a week now and neither have touched it. Itches right into the skin in my bum.

So, got appointment to have my bloods taken tomorrow by the nurse at my surgery.

Hoping it's just an allergy. Thought doc this morning may just prescribe piriton. But she said it is better to be safe than sorry. She did give me some diprobase cream though.

Hoping LFT results come back as neg for OC :pray:
fingers crossed everythings ok hun :hug:

always better being safe than sorry though. now that i think about it i've been really itchy down there too and have been using canestan too, it's been going on for a few weeks now though :oops: maybe a docs appointment is in order :roll:

when will you know the results? xxxx
Oh no!! That doesn't sound so good! I hope everything is ok and you get it sorted. xxx
Good luck. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi two Sarahs (sounds like a double act)

I think my results will take a few days at the docs. Should have asked hospital to do them!

Sarefet: I think if aynthing persists it is best to see the doc...As, when we are pregnant we have to be as careful as we can be.

It says on the canesten and vagisil that if symptoms persist for a week or more to go to docs....So make yourself an appointment :)
sarafet said:
fingers crossed everythings ok hun :hug:

always better being safe than sorry though. now that i think about it i've been really itchy down there too and have been using canestan too, it's been going on for a few weeks now though :oops: maybe a docs appointment is in order :roll:

when will you know the results? xxxx

Ive had thrush about 5 times now during pregnancy and each time I never had "cottage cheese" down there just itching and red. Even perennial massage brought it on for me, so that idea went out the window :| . I tried just the cream but wouldn't shift it so the doc prescribed a pessary and cream which does the trick. I also got a soap replacement for down there as shower gel and soap can bring it on. I would go to the docs hun, nothing worse than itching IMO.

Fuffins hope everything turns out OK and the blood tests identify why you've been itching :hug:
Thank you Charlie

Think I may try to pessary and the feminine itching may be disconnected from the general itching.

I always look for the gross cottage cheese. Thrush is sooo horrible! :evil:
Hope the itching eases and everything comes back ok with the tests :hug: xx
:wave: hi i had this on my last pregnancy it was a nightmare especially down below :( ended up having vaginal swabs to check for infection and skin samples and blood tests all which came back with nothing just severly dry skin had to just live with it in the end i had it from about 15 weeks pg and it didnt go till just after i got my 1st af after having the baby they said it was probably down to hormones all i could have treatment wise was some lotion stuff to go in the bath and i had this awful lard like cream :puke: that i had to use for washing my body it was foul never felt clean but it did help a little was told to not use any other soaps etc
good luck hun hope all your tests come back ok xxxxxx
I have tried that. Aqueous cream was it? It isn't very pleasant :(

I am thinking mine mya be like you. Severely dry skin. Don't know why its one hand and (as of this evening) one foot aswell!

Very strange :?
aww fingers crossed all comes bk ok hun xx :hug:
I had a blood test a few weeks ago for the same reason eitching behind my knees and on m,y hands came back ok

Hope when your results come back thay say the same hun :hug:
Good luck for later today :hug:

sarah :wave:
good luck for today hun
hope it all comes back clear for you
manda xx
i know the stuff i had to go in the bath was called dermol and it was like a milky colour liquid thats supposed to soften the water then the stuff i had to wash with i cant remember what it was called but it was in a big tub and it looked just like lard

good luck for today xxxxxxxxx

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