It stinks so bad...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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I have had this "invisible smell" for the past few weeks and its like ive stepped in dog doo and cant get rid! It smells like burning and no matter what I do it just want vamooush!!!

I know its not there cause it follows me EVERYWHERE i even felt para and asked OH if i smelt :oops: i dont :rotfl:

Does anyone else have a bad smell that follows them if so can they make it out and most importantly wat the hell causes it, wish it smelt like strawberries or something...

Gosh im a posting whore tonight!! :rotfl:

Had the same problem myself today, so I asked him to go have a bath :rotfl:
Sydneysmum said:
Had the same problem myself today, so I asked him to go have a bath :rotfl:

I gave my smell a mint and opened a window :rotfl:

Seriously though,
I think ladies sense of smell is increased when you're pregnant.
Hey there, I had this problem in my first pregnancy. I could smell horse manure EVERYWHERE I went. It even followed me to work and I was so paranoid it was me! I didn't even live near a farm/fields anything like that. Never did get to the bottom of it. This time round I have smelt pigeon crap on and off.
Happend to me too - mine was cat pee though and i was so paranoid, it wasnt me though just a smell i thought i could smell.
mrs_tommo22 said:
Happend to me too - mine was cat pee though and i was so paranoid, it wasnt me though just a smell i thought i could smell.

I can't wear perfume coz it smells like cat pee, especially the versace one. :puke:

Eau de piss :rotfl:
mrs_tommo22 said:
Happend to me too - mine was cat pee though and i was so paranoid, it wasnt me though just a smell i thought i could smell.

OMG!!! I have vaxed my carpets & scrubbed the flat from top to bottom several times and was beginning to get paranoid - especially as I could smell it in my car and at work - I thought next doors cat must have got in my wardrobe. Asked my workmate if she could smell it - nope it is just my nose apparently. OH thinks I have gon nuts as he can't smell anything either!!

hehe, my poor OH keeps getting shouted at for leaving the back door open when he's washing the car or if he pops upstairs for a pee. Its always "get that damn door shut now, a cat might come in and infect me" :oops: :rotfl:
:rotfl: I don't have a bad smell following me but I can smell stuff way before OH does, beer, BBQs, bonfires. Every now and again I can smell stuff that no one else can but it has mainly been candyfloss and smelly pens rather than bad smells.
LOL that'll be why i think everything smells of shit!!! i thought i'd stood in something and been walking around with it
Oh god last night I was laying in bed and I could smell morning breath. I checked myself and my dh but it was like it was right in my face the whole time. I felt so sick with it I had to sleep. Why would we smell rank things?
I'm hoping this doesn't return to me- when I was in 1st tri I had to chuck out a duvet ( well didn't have to but I was convinced it smelt and couldn't sleep) and had to get rid of a couple of new feather pillows cos they smelt awful to me. ( I didn't throw these away- they just went in the spare room!). No-one else could smell anything so thought i was just playing up to being pregnant :shakehead:
At the moment I just tend to smell things before others can but I've always had an acute sense of smell- can be very traumatic! I hope your random smells disappear soon- maybe get some essentual oils and keep them near your nose!
I am spending a FORTUNE on cleaning products, incense, plug-ins, shake 'n' vac etc...

I am sure I can smell something now!!!
LOL I've cracked up reading some of your replies girls :rotfl:

I haven't had this as such, but I've smelt things before other people...

Like I could smell bacon in the office the other day (OK, anything food related and I'm there in a second..!) and the girls said "hmmm I can't smell anything?!" and then a few minutes later they said "oooh yeah I can smell it now!"

It's like I'll leave the room because one of the stinking dogs farted :roll: and my Mum won't smell it til she's surrounded by the stink lol xx
lol same !!! i feel really lucky to either not yet, or never experienced this, not looking forward to a big stink following me about :(
However i keep smelling food all the time, like in the car i said can you smell pie ?!?!? i could really smell pukka pie !! but evevryone sed nope its just you. Then in the bank today i could smell strawberrys, like the artificial car perfume type strawberry smell, n asked the lady behind the counter if it was her, or the air conditioning or something and she just looked at me like i was a crazy !!!! Shes the one missing out it was gorgeous ! Even used the cashpoint inside especially !
I would like to say that I've been the same but unfortunately, the smell of cat pee in my house was real! I was sitting on the sofa sniffing away and chuntering away about the smell so OH came over to investigate...I have been smelling odd smells so was expecting to be told it was my imagination again. Anyhow, there really was a cat pee smell. We washed and washed and took ages to get it down to a level that my sensitive nose could not detect. I do have cats but mine are very clean, never pee in the house and are not at all smelly. A few days later the smell appeared again...later a neighbours cat walked in through the cat flap as bold as brass. He must be the culprit. We've had to install a cat flap that is selective. Seems to have done the trick.
:wave: ME ME I had this in 1st tri, Thought my son STANK! I couldnt go near him or walk past him without heaving


Poor boy started getting a complex as brought him deoderant, new shampoo creams and lotions to get rid of the smell, he is only 8!!!

Had to physically restrain myself from saying"god you stink" to him constantly and nearly everyone I know was asked to sniff him and work out what the stench was...

I think I may have screwed him up and he will suffer from severe OCD in years to come :rotfl:
aramintalovegrove said:
:wave: ME ME I had this in 1st tri, Thought my son STANK! I couldnt go near him or walk past him without heaving


Poor boy started getting a complex as brought him deoderant, new shampoo creams and lotions to get rid of the smell, he is only 8!!!

Had to physically restrain myself from saying"god you stink" to him constantly and nearly everyone I know was asked to sniff him and work out what the stench was...

I think I may have screwed him up and he will suffer from severe OCD in years to come :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

In 1st tri it was my OH. He was quite put out by me constantly sniffing around him going, "you smell...weird"

Oh, and Babalu - I have got EVERY visitor we have had sniffing around the flat to check it IS only my nose. And I am still not convinced!!

Wish I smelt strawberries.
Haha glad im not alone on this! i wonder why pregnancy makes us smell these odd smells do you think its our senses have been corupted?


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