It is toooo hot today!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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It is tooo hot.. in Scotland! Scotland is too hot! :rotfl: OH took me for a pub lunch and I was sweating bucket loads on the 10 minute walk from the flat to the pub. I refused to sit outside, the heat was making me cranky. Heat + active baby = Cranky JoAnn!! :wall:
i know
it is even hot in the scottish borders

we have been in the garden until my back got too sore.

funny you should say that
i was round at James Mums after my hopsital tour and i felt increadibly hot and sweaty even with the door open
i like it when its warm and sunny, but sticky heat over cast skys urgh :(

hope your in a nice cool place now and cranky Joann has gone :lol: :hug:

sarah :wave:
I know what you mean...the weather isn't even sunny's raining, but i went to the supermarket in a short sleeved top+ no coat, had the windows down in the car and turned my heating off at home.
DH is like :shock: :shock: :shock: cos I'm always cold and normally LOVE the heat!
its pouring down here and we are just in the middle of a massive thunder storm
Ooo I LOVE thunder!!!!!!! :cheer: lucky you!

Its boring here, no rain/thunder or excessive heat :roll: I did get fryed yesterday though!
Its been raining most of the day here but has still been warm, said 13oC when we were in the car.

I would hate to pregnant in the summer, I'm constantly on heat as it is and thats all throughout the winter and spring. OH keeps moaning at me saying hes too cold and can he put the heating on, I tell him to put a jumper on, normally its the other way round :D

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