It hurts to sit down lol


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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The presure in my foofoo is getting quite bad hehe, dont remember this from last time. Cant believe im nearly 10 weeks, it seems to be flying now, im trying to savour every single moment of this as its all so precious to me :cheer: :hug:
awww hun it should ease off soon as your uterus starts to move up and out of the pelvis xxxxxxxx
Thanks for thatr hunny, i noticed yesterday, from when i had hope i had a little bit of skin that keind of drooped if you get me, iots no longer there, i actually have a bump now yey :dance:
oo post bump pic in the tummy section!! :D

the last bit of the first trimester really has flown by! hope your backache stops... :hug:
I wana post a bump piccy but still not figured how to get em off my phone yet :( ooowwww i wana show you all
still hurting?

do you have a cable to connect your phone to your PC?
or you could send the pic from your phone to your PC by sending an email message to your email address? - that doesn't always work for me though but you could try

ive put the disc into the computer and its all set up but i dont know how to transfer stuff to the pc thats the prob ive got, i have tried it but cant figure it out haha never been to good at this stuff :rotfl:
:rotfl: technology is a biatch at the best of times!

oo disc? you get a disc with your phone? is this some form of cyber crazy phone from out of space? *wants one*
no i need the disc so the computer pics up my phone system, ive uploaded em on to my pc, now god damn photo bucket wont let me up load them, sick of this stupid lap top ffs :x
i was being a ****** and reading it all wrong, lol :rotfl: imagining this disc that magically came out on a sleek phone.

good luck with it!!!
They are on the laptop now but photo bucket wont up load them :roll: ive had enough, i think ill go nap soon :sleep:

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