Issues following c-section


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
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So I've had aches and pains on my right side since having Emma by section a year ago. Periods also much heavier and last longer. Finally got referred to gynaecologist last week. He told me my right ovary has adhered to other tissue, so when I'm moving it's getting yanked all over the place causing the pain. I've known for a while that I scar badly internally causing these adhesions from previous ops. Anyway options are..... 1) do nothing and live with the pain, 2) keyhole surgery to remove my right ovary. This may cause further adhesions though, so may not work. 3) complete hysterectomy!

Anyone else had anything like this? Bit scary, I'm leaning towards living with the pain.

Oh dear. Their pretty serious options either way! I've had problems since my section, but only a snapping in my back, yes heavier periods. I do get the odd ache here n there but nothing serious and it passes quickly. Bu tit has only been 8 months now.

Is the pain bearable or last long? could they prescribe you some stronger pain killers to take when it kicks in?
personally I wouldn't go with the keyhole surgey as it could create something even worse. Hysterectomy is a hell of a big decision, im 24 and wouldn't take that decision at this age. Id probably be pretty fed up/angry and stick with the pain.
Dont opt for hysterectomy if you can help it
It poses you a whole new set of problems

Could it be any worse trying the keyhole?
I still get aches and pains 10 months on. Sometimes it feels like it's twisting and if I've been kneeling on floor and standing a few times in the day it really aches. Periods aren't regular and they are much heavier too.
How often do you get the pain? Can you kill it off with painkillers? X
I think he only suggested the hystorectomy as I'm 37 now, and have 3 children already. I thought that was quite drastic. Would mean HRT for the rest of my life etc, so not even considering that. The problem with going with the keyhole surgery is it will definitely cause more scarring, so could possibly cause other issues.

The consultant said to explain the pain to my husband as the same as having his balls whacked and yanked It is constant aches and pains, but get worse during period.

To be honest it was a relief to find it wasn't anything sinister. I've kind of gotten used to having the pain, so could live with it. Obviously would be nice not to have it, but would hate to make the wrong decision and make things worse.
With the hrt comes arthritis and all sorts too

Its tough
Would keyhole scarring give you the same amount of pain as now?
With the hrt comes arthritis and all sorts too

Its tough
Would keyhole scarring give you the same amount of pain as now?

I think that's the risk. I wouldn't have the ovary pain, but it would cause more scarring than now, so depends where the adhesions occur. And how it would affect that area.

I had lots of pains towards the end of my pregnancy. Thought I was in early labour. They kept saying it was nothing. Anyway, when they started the section they were shocked to find my uterus on the verge of rupture. It had adhered to my kidney after my previous section. They asked why I hadn't seen my consultant cause I would have been in lots of pain. They kinda brushed it under the carpet after I said I had on a few occasions.
Is there a specific cause for it to be scarring so badly?
To be perfectly honest based on what you've said it sounds like any corrective surgery comes with the risk of making things worse due to the scar tissue. Personally I would look at long term pain management. If you're ok on the pill, that can be given to prevent periods so that could help reduce the pain whilst on your periods at least. Unless they could give you a reason why it keeps happening and reassurance it wouldnt happen after further surgery I'd stay well clear!
Is there a specific cause for it to be scarring so badly?

I have a feeling it's genetic as my dad and sister both get adhesions easily too. Other than extra internal scar tissue, neither of them have any problems. My sister are from 2 c-sections too.
To be perfectly honest based on what you've said it sounds like any corrective surgery comes with the risk of making things worse due to the scar tissue. Personally I would look at long term pain management. If you're ok on the pill, that can be given to prevent periods so that could help reduce the pain whilst on your periods at least. Unless they could give you a reason why it keeps happening and reassurance it wouldnt happen after further surgery I'd stay well clear!

That was discussed too. Apparently changes in periods are always unexplained. He said the coil could help with the increased pain during periods. And also regulating them. But I react badly to the hormones and go a bit loopy, so he doesn't think I should go down that track. There is another option (hope you've eaten your lunch already), they insert this machine that boils off the lining of your uterus. Basically sterilisation. 70% of people never have a period again, 20% have light periods, and 10% it does it doesn't work.
Second opinion? The nhs mutilated my vagina during my birth and after, I can't even dream of letting them do anything again or at least in the particular hospital I've given birth in. But especially because the options are so drastic and don't promise to resolve the root problem I'd research the best place for a second opinion.
Second opinion? The nhs mutilated my vagina during my birth and after, I can't even dream of letting them do anything again or at least in the particular hospital I've given birth in. But especially because the options are so drastic and don't promise to resolve the root problem I'd research the best place for a second opinion.

Yes I've thought about that too. I had 2 sections following a horrible natural birth too. I went private with this. Refused to go to the same hospital too.
I thinknits down to your quality of life with the pain. I have severe endeo ans so have a lot of acar tissue and adhesions and after years of tryibg to manage it i can no longer deal with the sickness and pain for weeks every month. I have ny lo who is four months, am in my 20s and an optinf for a hyatorectomy. Not just for my quality of life but for my little girls too. I have a whole new issue now i need to deal with first but soonas i am strong enough i will be getting one. If you can manage with the pain then yes its aan extreme rhibg to do if youre not finished your family but if ita affecting your quality of life then its worth considering x

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